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*Three Weeks Later*

Here I am sitting on a plane to California to go meet R5. These past few weeks have flown by. I am now a high school graduate. How I survived high school I'm not quit sure. It seems like just yesterday I was walking down the halls as a 9th grader having no idea what I was getting myself into. But somehow I managed to survive. Smiling I remember back to graduation day, throwing my hat into the air and feeling like I could conquer the world. That feeling hasn't changed. It's like I have crossed a line into a whole new faze of my life. In the end I know I want to get a job having something to do with hair or makeup. Eventually I want to go to college and get a degree in cosmetology.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a flight attendant announcing that we are about to take off and to buckle up. A smile spreads across my face again. Realizing I'm finally leaving for the trip I've been anticipating for weeks is still kinda hard to believe, I will have to admit. Looking over at Amy who is siting next to me, I realize she has a smile on her face too. She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. The plane begins to move. This is it. In 24 hours I will be hanging out with my favorite band. Is that crazy or what? The plane ride seems like it only takes a little while. I spend most of the time daydreaming and listening to music. When we land and are allowed to get off the plane Amy and I make it to baggage claim in record time. We even find our bags supper fast. I decide to text Sydney and tell her we landed.

Hey girl! I'm in Cali!

Amy and I walk out to a car rental place where Amy has a car reserved for us. As we get out of the car I realize what nice weather Cali has. It's hot but not that dry kind of heat like in Texas. Yup I'm from Texas. I'm so happy with the car Amy picked. She decided we needed to ride in style so she got a super awesome red convertible. I can't believe how quickly we are in the car and leaving to our hotel. Everything seems to happen so much faster here in Cali. As I'm getting into the car I get a text from Sydney.

Awesome! I can't wait to hear about your day with R5! ;)

Before we leave Amy puts the top down and we put on our sunglasses. I could totally pass as a Cali girl. This morning I decided I needed to wear something super cute. It's Cali for goodness sakes. Don't I need to look my best? So I went with a super cute pink cropped top with a white tank top underneath and jean shorts. To top it all I have on some white flip flops. I look out of my side of the car and take a deep breath. This is so amazing.

After a couple of minutes of just staring at the city I turn on the radio and hear Pass Me By by R5. No way! I look at Amy with a surprised look on my face and she starts laughing. Since this is R5 I start singing along. That is one of the awesome things about R5 their songs are so amazing all you want to do when you hear them is sing and dance. This moment can't get any better. But it does. Amy pulls the car into a huge hotel.

It's a beautiful tall white building. Nearly all the widows on the different levels have balconies with a little patio set. Amy pulls the car under a concrete covering at the front of the door and gets out. A man comes over to help us get our bags out of the car. The valet service guy takes the car keys from Amy and drives away in the car to park it. When I walk into the glass door I am met with glossy sandy colored floor and a glass chandler hang from the ceiling. In the middle of the lobby is a fountain and around it are couches and coffee tables. The front desk is a shiny gold half moon shaped and the lady at the desk is in a very nice black and white business looking outfit. All of the sudden I kind of feel under dressed. I take a deep breath and can smell the scent of flowers. I think I could get used to this. Yep, already used to it.

Amy walks up to the front desk and gets our room keys while I stand there in awe of the hotel. We are on the fifth floor which means we will have a good view. As we are walking to the elevator I catch sight of a sign that points to the right saying "Spa and Pool." Amy and I talk about how awesome this hotel is as we ride the elevator to our floor. We step off and find our rooms aren't too far from the elevator. The hall ways are painted a lovely light green color and all the door are a shiny black wood. Amy unlocks our door and turns on the lights.

The room is awesome. The walls are painted white with a cool black design around the top. There are two queen size beds at the far side of the room covered with a black and white design comforter. At the head of the bed are little circle mirrors that make it look like bubbles are coming from the bed. Near the front of the room there is a big black couch, a very large TV, and the door to what I think is the bathroom. I walk over to the door and find that it is the bathroom and my moth falls open. The floors are black and white and the walls are white. There is a glass shower, a counter with two sinks, a toilet, and a bathtub. Next to the bathtub is a small table that has to white robes on top and a arrangement of bath supplies. As I walk back into the room the big glass sliding doors at the end of the room catch my eye. I walk over to the sliding doors and pull open one side. The view is amazing. I am so excited we have a balcony. Our room is over looking the city. It's the first time I realize how big the city of L.A. really is.

"Amy can I have the bed by the window please?", I manage to ask still staring out at the view in awe.

"Sure honey."

I smile, shut the door, and walk over to the bed and fall on it. The bed is so fluffy.

"So what do you want to do?", asks Amy.

"We should go explore the city, but after we rest." I realize how tired I am.

"Sounds like a plan."

Amy and I rest for a couple of hours. Most of that time I end up watching tv.

"You wanna leave?", asks Amy as she gets off her bed.

"Yeah I'll get ready."

I get off the couch and walk over to the bathroom. My makeup still looks good. I put back on my shoes, grab my purse, and walk over to the door where Amy is standing. We walk out and ride the elevator down to the lobby. I smile as we walk through the gorgeous lobby. When we walk out of the lobby our car is already waiting for us outside. She must of called to have our car ready.

As we get in the car Amy asks, "so where we want to go?"

"Well why don't we just ride around and see what's near here."


Amy puts the top down and drives out onto the street. I look out my side and smile. L.A. is so beautiful. It would be would amazing to live here some day. I wonder where R5 lives? They could be right down the street. A Urban Outfitters catches my eye and I ask Amy if we can stop there.

"Sure", she replies pulling into a parking space near the store.

We walk in and spend a little while looking through the racks. I eventually give up and decide I'm not going to find anything this time.

"Can we go?", I ask Amy who is in the jewelry section.

She nods her head and we walk outside. It's getting dark. All of the sudden my stomach growls. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

Amy must of heard it because she asks me," where do you want eat?"

I look down the street and see a little Italian restaurant. "There", I say pointing at the restaurant.

"Italian food. Sounds good to me", she replies.

We walk down to the restaurant since it's not very far from the car. When We walk in I am greeted by a waitress who seats us at a table near the window. It a simple little restaurant. A few paintings hang on the wall and the lighting is soft. I end up getting chicken parmesan. It's really good too. Surprisingly this place isn't very busy. A place with food this good should be super busy but there is only a few people here. When we finish, we pay and leave a tip.

"We should head back to the hotel. You need to get plenty of sleep so you can be rested for your big day tomorrow", says Amy as we get into the car.

"Yeah your right." The car ride takes only 5 minutes. We park and head into the hotel. When we make it to our room I collapse on the bed. I am so tired. Flying really drains you. I get ready for bed and fall asleep thinking about R5.

The Girl in all the Songs (Ross/R5)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن