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*Rinnah's POV*

After a few minutes I hear Ross say bye and put down my phone. He scoops me up and walks over to the couch and sits down.

 "Rinnah. Oh Rinnah", he whispers with deep sadness. "I don't know what to say."

 All I do is cry. He rubs my back and holds me.

Sometime later everybody gets home, but I don't hear what they say. Eventually Ross carries me to Rydel's room and sits me on the bed. Later Rydel comes in and stays with me and doesn't say anything. She just lets me cry while she rubs my back.

 Then in blur we are all on a plane to Texas.

Some time after I had received the phone call and cried, I realized I needed to get to Texas. Everyone told me that they insisted on coming with me to help with anything I might need. So now I sit between Ross and Rydel who is holding a box a tissues.

 "Thank you", I choke out randomly through my crying. "I know you guys don't know what to say, but saying nothing and just being here is enough."

 "That's what family does", Rydel says handing me another tissue. I give her a weak smile. It's so nice to hear her say family, because it makes me feel like I still have some, even though technically I don't. When we land everyone helps me carry my few things along with their stuff. As we are walking to the area I'm supposed to meet Sydney I catch sight of her and the tears start to flow again. I run and hug her. We stand there crying.

 "Oh Rinnah I miss her too", she cries.

 I look at her in the eyes. They are not as filled with light like they usually are. Instead they are filled with sorrow and tears.

 I put a hand to her check.

 "We'll get through this together", I say weakly.

 Sydney only has her mom.  One time when her mom got really sick,  she stayed with us. So Amy became like a second mother to her.

 A tear slips down her cheek as she gives me a very weak smile.

 I keep an arm wrapped around her shoulders as we walk outside.

 The car ride is silent. Everybody is sitting quiet. You can feel the grief and sadness in the air. Sydney hasn't even talked to the gang. If it wasn't for Amy's recent death she would be so excited to meet them.

 Thankfully Mary's friend let her borrow their big van so she could take all of us home. Mary is Sydney's mom. She has always told me to not call her Mrs. Mary because I'm like her daughter.

 I look at Ross who is sitting next to me. He looks at me and gives me a small smile. He discreetly takes my hand in his and gives it a small squeeze. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes thankful for his touch. He kisses my head and lays his head on mine. Having him close helps to ease the ache in my heart.

 When we arrive at my house we unload the car and say a goodbye and thank you to Mary and Sydney.

 I walk up stairs to my room and open the door. My room is exactly how I left it. I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. Slowly I run my hand over the sheets as I recall all the memories that fill this room and house. A tear slips down my cheek as I look up to find Ross in the door way. He looks at me with sadness.

 "I'll leave you alone", he says as he turns.

 "Wait", I croak and hold out my hand.

 He turns around and walks over to me. Slowly he sits down and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

The Girl in all the Songs (Ross/R5)Where stories live. Discover now