Not Him

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*Rinnah's POV*

*Two days later*

Tears roll down my cheeks as Amy's casket is lowered into the ground. Rydel stands next to me blotting her eyes to keep her makeup from running. Ross has an arm around my shoulder with a sorrowed face. The rest of the group stands behind me. Stormie is also crying while the boys along with Mark look like they just saw the saddest movie ever. I'm so thankful that they are here. They help lessen the pain.

As I lift my head I see Mary and Sydney crying from the other side of the grave. I don't know how I'm going to leave them.

The Lynch's offered to get legal guardianship over me if I wanted to stay with them. It still hasn't sunk in yet that they've offered to take me in. Just a couple of weeks ago they were just these amazing people that I had never gotten to meet. So much has changed. I plan on taking their offer though it will be hard to leave Sydney and Mary, but I know if I truly want to pursue being a beautician LA will be a great place to do that. Not Texas.

After the casket is lowered and everyone has thrown their flowers into the grave we head to the van. As we walk I wrap my arm around Ross' waist and look up at him. A tear rolls down his cheek.

"Ross why are you crying? You never even knew Amy."

"It's not fair that someone who was so loved was killed like that. And it kills me to see you like this", he replies as he wipes a tear away.

I stop walking and touch his cheek.

Slowly I lean my forehead to his and close my eyes. He warps his arms around my waist as we stand there silently crying. Eventually I open my eyes and look into his. A tear slides down my face but is quickly wipes away by Ross' soft touch. He kisses my forehead and we continue to walk to the car. Right before we reach the van I hear my name being called. I know that voice.

I turn around to find one of the few people I don't want to see right now.


He jogs up to me as I tense up. Ross notices and stays next to me.

"Rinnah I just want to tell you I'm sorry about Amy", Zander says as he comes to stand in front of me.

"Zander why are you here?", I asks coldly. He is not who I want pity from.

"I did know Amy", he replies sharply.

"Zander", I say breathing out. "I'm not even going to talk to you."

I turn around, but he grabs my wrist.

"Hey there is no need to act like a bitch", Zander snaps.

"Leave her alone", Ross says grabbing my shoulders.

The Girl in all the Songs (Ross/R5)Where stories live. Discover now