Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve: 10:30pm Sunday 15th April- Park, Sydney Australia.

Niall’s POV:

Niall sat at the park bench that he had been sitting at the last 4 hours, in the moonlight. He had stopped crying, but pain still ran through his body, somehow he also felt numb. He didn’t want to eat, move or do anything. He knew he probably couldn’t if he tried. He didn’t even want to live, but he knew he had to, for everyone he knew and all the fans. Rylee was once a fan, and while sitting on the park bench, he made a promise to himself that he would never ignore the fans. He would take every opportunity to talk to each and every one of them, even if he had to fight through security. All he wanted was to do was hold Rylee in his arms like he did last night in his hotel room. he wanted things to be perfect again. He longed to feel safe in her presence again. Niall knew he should be at the hospital waiting for Liam to get out of surgery, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk into that building ever again. He knew Liam would understand though, and that’s why he loved him. Niall thought about how much he wanted to confide in Liam. He wanted Liam to tell him everything would be okay. Suddenly, Niall felt two people come and sit either side of him, before someone else came crouched in front of him. He looked up to see Louis' eyes staring into his. Niall didn’t want to talk to them. They were the only people who could have stopped all this from happening. They could have stopped his girlfriend from killing herself. They could have prevented the pain he was feeling, but they didn’t. Niall kept telling himself that it wasn’t their fault, and that they didnt know, but he had no one else to blame. Louis put a hand on Niall’s shoulder and Zayn and Harry did the same. He didnt want sympathy from anyone. Niall stood up in defence, and walked behind where Louis was crouching, keeping his back to them.

“The doctor gave us something that Rylee left for you, I think you need to read it.” Louis said, walking over to where Niall was standing, and holding out a letter. Niall noticed there was another one in Louis other hand. “The other ones for her friends and family; I’ll deal with those ones.”

"We're really sorry mate, we didnt know." Zayn said. Niall avoided eye contact with each of the boys, so they wouldnt see the tears forming in his eyes. he took the letter addressed for him, and walked away, deeper into the park. He didn’t want to read it just yet. He knew he couldn’t deal with it now. So he stuffed the letter in his pocket and walked away. None of the boys followed him.

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