Chapter 4

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It was a Saturday morning and Peter and James were gone when Remus woke up. They must have left early; it was only 7:30am. He saw that Sirius was still asleep in his bed. He also saw a note left on his bedside table.

To Moony and Padfoot,
                                            we have gone to Hogsmeade because we were extremely bored, feel free to join us once you eventually wake up.

                                                                                                                                 -Prongs and Wormtail

Remus put the letter back down and climbed out of bed. He made his way over to Sirius and tapped his shoulder.

"Pads wake up, apparently we have to go to Hogsmeade."

Sirius slowly opened his eyes and shook his head weakly. Remus immediately knew that they would not be going to Hogsmeade that day, Sirius clearly couldn't get out of bed today. This happened every so often, when Sirius felt so poitnless he couldn't bring himself to leave his bed.

Remus sighed and sat down next to Sirius on his bed, wrapping his arms around him. He was worried about his friend, as he always was. Sirius put his head on Remus' chest listening to his heartbeat. Remus knew he didn't need to speak, Sirius just needed him there and, soon enough, they both fell asleep, each comforted by the others presence.

A few hours later James and Peter returned from Hogsmeade and found the two boys asleep, as close as they could possibly get.

"They're so in love," James pointed out.

"I know, it's painfully obvious," Peter agreed, "Except to them of course."

"Yep. They're still completely oblivious," James chuckled.

James and Peter decided to play exploding snap to pass the time. Remus and Sirius remained asleep and the other two Marauders could hear them mumble each others names in their sleep.

A few days later all of the Marauders, except for Sirius were in the common room. James and Peter were sat on one couch and Remus was sat on another, his back resting against the arm and his legs taking up the whole seat.

They were talking about their potions homework when Sirius came in, his eyes filled with tears. He walked straight over to Remus and sat in between his legs, leaning his head back on Remus' chest. Peter seemed to realise they needed to be alone and dragged James out of the common room.

"What's wrong Pads?" Remus asked softly, seeing the tears that had begun making their way down his face.

"Snape," Sirius said simply.

"What did he do?" Remus questioned, already feeling angry at Snape.

"He said he had no idea why my family didn't get rid of me," he choked on a sob, "but they do want to get rid of me. They hate me."

Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius and explained that, even if his family didn't like him, he definitely did. This seemed to calm him down a bit. However, Remus was rather scared because when he'd told Sirius that he liked him he almost said love, and then he realised. He loved Sirius. He Remus Lupin loved Sirius Black. Moony loved Padfoot. He was immediately saddened though, because he thought that Sirius would never return his love.

"Well I like you too," Sirius smiled, also feeling rather scared because, he too, had almost said love.

He was also sad though, because he thought that Remus would never return his love.

Both were oblivious that the other one loved them.

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