Chapter 2

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After his nightmare Remus could not fall sleep again, and being the logical person he is, Sirius figured out that he was still worried about him being dead. The only logical conclusion, Sirius decided, was to climb into bed next to Remus, letting him put his ear over Sirius' heart. Immediately, Remus was able to fall asleep now that he could hear Sirius' heartbeat.

"Thanks Pads," Remus mumbled as he fell asleep.

Sirius kissed the sleeping boys forehead, soon falling asleep himself.

James and Peter watched the two boys interact.

"How are they so oblivious?" Peter asked in disbelief.

James just shook his head smiling slightly to convey that the didn't know. It was true. The two boys were so blind to the fact that they clearly loved each other. Most of the students at Hogwarts thought they were a couple. You couldn't really blame them, the two boys in question did act like a couple.

They would always be touching in some way, whether it was their knees touching when they sat in class or their hands intertwined as they walked through the corridors. However, to them, these things were forms of comfort, not acts of love. However, actions could mean more than one thing. These actions did, Remus and Sirius just didn't know it yet.

It was remarkable that two of the brightest students at Hogwarts hadn't realised their feelings for each other. Even James, who was known to be oblivious, had noticed that the two boys loved each other. Peter and James did consider telling them that they obviously loved each other, however they found it more entertaining to watch them be clueless. Sometimes, it was frustrating how oblivious they were.

An obvious giveaway that they loved each other was the fact that they truly took care of each other. A few weeks ago, Sirius had a panic attack because Filch was shouting at him and it was just that little bit too loud. Just that little bit too much like his father. Remus had realised what was happening straight away and took Sirius away from Filch and into an empty classroom.

Once there, he assured Sirius that his father was not there and that if he was 'he would have to get through me before he hurt you.' Then he stayed with Sirius, helped him with his breathing and held onto him until he was calm.

Filch was furious that two of the Marauders had walked away from him and had told McGonagall, who didn't know their reasons for walking away, to give the two boys detention. She did, but the boys didn't mind that much. They got to spend two hours with each other. It didn't matter that they couldn't talk, they just enjoyed each others company.

In reality, the two boys could have easily gotten out of detention if they had told McGonagall what had happened. However, Sirius didn't want anyone to know and, of course, Remus respected his decision. He also understood it; he didn't exactly want people knowing about his nightmares or his Lycanthropy. So, he and Sirius sat for two hours writing lines, their knees touching and their eyes meeting every few minutes.

On another occasion Snape had the nerve to point out the long, thin scar covering Remus' left hand. Snape did not know about his Lycanthropy and so he accused Remus of getting the scar from tripping over his 'abnormally large feet.' This angered Sirius because no one could talk bad about his best friend so he stood up and punched Snape in the face, earning himself another detention. This led more people to believe that they were dating. They were also oblivious to the rumours. They had no clue.

The bottom line though, was that they loved each other and they would eventually figure it out.

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