Chapter 1

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Remus Lupin tossed and turned in his sleep, a nightmare disrupting his peacefulness.

Remus ran towards his best friend, who looked terrified. He stopped running. 'Why was he scared? It's only me' Remus thought.

Then he realised why Sirius was scared: he was in his werewolf form. He began running towards Sirius again, unable to control himself; he never could when he was a werewolf. Sirius looked scared, Remus wanted to stop running but he couldn't. He pounced on his best friend, biting him in the process.

When Remus backed away from his friend he began turning human. Once he was a human, he had control over his actions and he got his own emotions back. When he saw that he had killed Sirius he began to sob uncontrollably.

"No Sirius! I didn't mean to! Sirius!" Screamed a broken hearted Remus.

He shook Sirius' shoulders, "This can't be real," he cried shaking his head in disbelief, "SIRIUS!" He screamed as loud as he could.

Sirius Black was awoken by the sounds of his best friend screaming his name. He scanned the room quickly, seeing that James was still asleep (he was a heavy sleeper) and that Peter was looking worriedly towards Remus. However, Peter made no effort to comfort Remus, he knew that it wouldn't help, only Sirius could help.

Sirius quickly got out of bed and ran over to his friends bed. He shook Remus' shoulders in attempt to wake him up. Remus kept screaming Sirius' name.

"Wake up Remus!" Sirius exclaimed.

This seemed to work, as the boy suffering from the nightmare stirred slightly and then blinked open his eyes. Remus took one look at Sirius, his best friend who he had just killed, and burst into tears. Sirius knew what to do, and pulled the other boy into a hug.

"You're okay," he whispered to Remus, trying to calm him.

Remus didn't reply, just continued sobbing. This woke up James, who was going to speak until Peter gestured to him to tell him not to. He kept his mouth shut and joined Peter in watching the scene before them. They tried to be as discreet as they could, knowing that Sirius would be furious if he knew.

"What happened?" Sirius asked, softly.

Remus just shook his head, this distressed Sirius.

"You have to tell me Moony," Sirius pressed, his tone still soft.

"Okay," Remus choked out, "I was in werewolf form and..." he trailed off and let out another sob.

"Go on," Sirius prompted him.

"You were there-you were there. And-and I...killed you," Remus admitted and continued sobbing, "you were dead."

Sirius immediately felt sympathy for his best friend, "You didn't kill me though."

"I did," Remus said solemnly, "you were lying there, and you were dead."

"I'm not dead Moony," Sirius assured.

He pulled his crying friend closer to his chest, so that Remus' head was resting where his heart was.

"You listen to that," he whispered Remus, "listen to my heartbeat. I'm alive. You did not kill me. I'm here and I've got you, you're okay."

Remus listened to the sound of Sirius' heartbeat. He had to admit, the sound of it calmed him down; it was a guarantee that his best friend was alive and he didn't kill him. Sirius stroked Remus' hair, this also helped calm the trembling boy. He hated seeing Remus like this, it made him upset.

That was the thing with those two boys, if one of them was sad so was the other. That's what love does to you. Not that the two boys knew that that was the reason.

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