Chapter 3

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All four of the Marauders were in transfiguration with McGonagall. When they were all sat down McGonagall announced that she'd be teaching them about Animagi. She was immediately confused when all four of the Marauders knew the answers to every single one of her questions, Remus included because he had helped his friends with their transformation.

McGonagall also taught them that to become an Animagus you had to register at the Ministry. Of course, Peter, James and Sirius were unregistered and illegal animagi. This fact made Remus drop his head and stare at the desk, knowing that if they got caught it would be his fault. Sirius immediately noticed that his friend was upset and placed his hand on Remus' knee.

"What's up Moony?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. Noticing Remus' hesitation he continued, "You know you can tell me."

Remus sighed before replying, "If you get caught it'll be my fault. You turned into animagi for me."

"It wouldn't be your fault. It would be our fault for being stupid enough to get caught," Sirius joked, drawing a smile out of Remus.

"Thanks Pads," he said affectiontely, still oblivious to the love he had for his friend.

Sirius smiled and they both put their attention back on McGonagall, who was showing the class how she turned into her Animagus form. Everyone was quite amazed, apart from three of the Marauders, who weren't exactly impressed because they could do it too. Remus wasn't impressed because he found it far more amazing when his friends transformed.

However, the rest of the class were amazed and McGonagall looked rather confused when she saw the Marauders talking amongst themselves.

"Black, Pettigrew, Lupin and Potter, pay attention please," She scolded them.

Their defence against the dark arts lesson was considerably less enjoyable; they were learning about werewolves. When Remus heard this he lowered his head to stop anyone seeing the tears filling his eyes. Sirius noticed though. Of course he did. He always did. He intertwined his fingers with Remus' and squeezed his hand, trying to calm him down. It seemed to help slightly because Remus lifted his head and gave Sirius a weak smile.

They turned their attention to their teacher, she was currently talking about how werewolves forgot who they were when they transformed. Sirius leaned toward Remus and whispered in his ear.

"See, I told you. It's not your fault if you don't know who we are. It doesn't upset us because we know it's not really you."

Remus made eye contact with him before giving him a small smile, "Thanks Pads."

Remus leaned his head on Sirius' shoulder and stayed like that for the remainder of the lesson. Nobody questioned it, but that was because everyone believed that they were a couple. So, the two continued to be oblivious.

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