Chapter Seven

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After negotiating with Mrs. Hamel for about ten minutes, I was able to get my phone back. As soon as I got out of her class, I texted Adelyn to meet me in the parking lot, at her car. I finally get outside and see her, leaning against the side, twirling her keys.

"What's up?" she asks as I approach her.

"Detention and a fight with Cayden. I need to go shopping so let's get out of here," I open the door and jump in. She nods her head and starts the car.

"Should we stop for ice cream too, my treat?" she turns over the engine and pulls out of the school parking lot. I smile widely.

"And this is why you are my best friend, and favorite person ever," I lean over and kiss her cheek, causing her to giggle and push me off.

"Save the PDA for Smith," she glances over at me and blushes. "Sorry."

"No it's cool. I don't like him. Screw Cayden Smith," I smile and open the window, shouting out it, flipping off the school. "Screw you, Cayden Smith!"

Addie honks her horn and laughs, calling me crazy.


We ended up getting frozen yogurt instead, and headed to the abandoned park that I loved so much.

"I honestly don't understand your obsession with this place sometimes," she shakes her head and parks her car. I jump out and smile. She knows why, but doesn't quite understand it.

"I don't expect you to understand," I shrug and run over to the swing set. I sit down carefully. I try to be light, in order to not break it. She sits on the faded slide. "But seriously, thanks for driving me here and skipping with me. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Now, now, don't be getting sappy on me, Ackerman," she smiles softly at me. "I don't mind, Lucky. I love you."

"Love you too, Addy," I reach over and squeeze her hand. She may appear as a jerk, stuck up rich girl to most, but she'll always be my Addy. The girl that I've stayed up with until 4am just talking about nothing for hours. The girl that first approached me in third grade and stuck with me since.

"Okay enough emotions," she wipes her eyes and stands up. "Lets go back to the mystery treehouse."

I nod my head and stand up. She grabs my hand and we walk all the way to the treehouse, hand in hand.


The treehouse was still unlocked from the last time we were there, so we didn't have to worry about that. Since Rachel wasn't with us this time, we got to explore more. I wandered in the back of the large place and found a bedroom.

I didn't hesitate to dig through the drawers and closet. The room is full of guy's clothes. I even find condoms in the nightstand by the bed. This guy knows what's up.

"Find anything good?" I call to Addy. She peeks her head around the corner of the room I'm in.

"Not really. I found this cute top though," she walks out wearing a new tank top. It's a deep burgundy color, with a small pocket. "What about you?"

"Way cute," I nod my head and she beams at me. "Just a load of guy's clothes and condoms."

"Oooh a player's room. Let me look," I step out of the way as she digs through the nightstand. She sees the box of unopened condoms. "A player that never does anything. Lame."

I laugh and help her look through the closet. There's a bunch of name brand clothes. I steal a pair of Nike sweats and a hoodie. The clothes are too big, but I like them anyway. She drags me to the girl's room and we find plenty of cute items. I steal a pair of skinny jeans and a silver necklace. She takes a pair of white sandals and finds a drawstring bag from Adidas.

I know what your thinking, 'why would they steal?' the answer is simple; we don't care. All these things are easily replaceable, who's going to miss a pair of skinny jeans? As we get ready to leave, something catches my eye.

"Hey Addy, look," I pull on her arm and point. In the corner is a small table and it has a bottle of wine on it. We grin at each other and I sneak over and grab it quickly. It's completely full. "Score."

We go into the kitchen and find some wine glasses. We pour each other a glass full and start snooping around. Addy starts shoving a bunch of unique things into her new bag. I wander back into the guy's room. I sit on the bed, and it's super soft. I set the glass down on the nightstand. I glance around the room, looking for another thing steal. It's like a free sale here.

I walk back into the closet and drag out a heavy cardboard box. I tear it open and find a photo album. I shake my head. I don't want to know who I'm stealing from. Before I set the album down, I see a thick stash of cash beneath it. I yell for Addy to take a look.

"What'd you find?" Her eyes widen as I hold out the huge stack of money. "No way."

"Yes way," I start counting it. There most be over nine hundred dollars here. In total, there is $1,026. "Dude. There is literally $1,026 here."

"Don't mess with me!" she's practically squealing at this point. "Count again."

I count again and again and again. I must've counted ten times, but each time, the amount was the same. "It's $1,026! Oh my God!"

"I can't believe it! Rachel is going to flip," she lays back on the bed, smiling. Rachel is going to kill us for stealing.

"She's going to kill us, Addy," I whisper. We lock eyes and frown, because we know it's true. Suddenly, we hear the front door wing open. "Oh no."

Our eyes widen and we pile into the closet. I grab the box and shove it back onto the shelf it was previously sat upon. We squeeze together at the back, behind the clothes. She has her bag of stolen items on her back. We hear foot steps, descending towards the room. We hold each other's hands and press the other onto our mouths. To say that we are terrified is an understatement.

"We're so busted," she whispers. She is clearly trying to not laugh. I slip on a hoodie I found and thrust it into her hands. She raises an eyebrow but puts it on anyway. I hand her a beanie and she puts it on her hood. I feel around on the ground quietly and find gloves. I hand them to her and urge her to put them on.

Addy's eyes widen as she realizes what I was wanting to do.

"If that door opens, run. Run as fast as you freaking can," I whisper, pulling on the gloves. She nods slightly. She seems terrified. For once, she's the scared one, and I'm the brave one. This is a rare occurrence.

The door knob twists slightly, and we brace ourselves. But, it never opens.

"Cayden, don't. You don't know who could be in there," a girl voice warns the guy named Cayden. Wait. Cayden. Holy freaking shiz. This is Cayden's treehouse!

And he was about to catch me, in his clothes, in his closet, holding his money and stolen property, in his tree house.

I am so screwed.


Author's Note:

Don't forget to favorite and comment!


~Galaxy Potato

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