Chapter One

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I pull my favorite hat onto my head. It's pastel purple and velvet. My dark wash jean shorts rub against my bare legs, while my flowy white top gives me a nice breeze. Unplugging my phone and not so gracefully tripping over a pile of junk, because I never clean my room, I somehow arrive next to my door where my shoes sit. I slip into a pair of white sandals and race out the door. My best friends Adelyn and Rachel wave to me. I get shot gun.

"Hey girls," I wave as I slide into the familiar seats of Adelyn's grey car. Were on our way to hang out for the last day of summer.

"Killin' it as usual, Clover," Rachel compliments my outfit. I nod my head at her, smiling.

"Right back at ya," I wink. She has on a pair of light skinny jeans and floral tank top. She beams at me.

"Oh you look great Addy! Aw thanks, guys, really appreciate it," Adelyn exclaims sarcastically. I lean over and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"You look great, best friend," I grin at her as she wipes away my lip glossed kiss, frowning. She starts up the car and pulls out of my driveway. The scenery flashes by as Adelyn drives a little above the speed limit. We couldn't care less. We're young teenagers, and we'll do what we want, when we want. That means going to our favorite hang out spot, even if we shouldn't. Why? Because we were told not to, and we feel like breaking the rules.


"Why do you even like this place so much?" Rachel asks, kicking a rock. Adelyn and I exchange a knowing glance. Rachel is newer to the group, so she doesn't know my past as well as Addy. Addy and I have been friends for years, along with Victoria Roo. We can't stand Victoria anymore, so she's out of the group. She became a rich, drama queen bee, so she's pretty much as good as dead to us.

"I don't know, it's just so quiet and peaceful here," I shrug my shoulders, wandering the familiar area. It's an abandoned park. Pretty much everything is broken down, and doesn't work, but I still like exploring the emptiness.

I walk over to the rusty swings. I don't dare to sit on them, fully knowing they'll break beneath my weight. Last time we were here, a couple months ago, Adelyn wanted to try swinging on it, and broke her pinky. when it collapsed. Rachel sits on a rotting bench, carefully. Adelyn wanders into the forest, leaving us all behind. We can't stop her, she has a free spirit.

"I think it's kind of boring, there isn't very much to do," Rachel frowns, pulling out her phone. She doesn't mean it to be offensive, Rachel isn't like that. She's secretly the nicest out of our trio. The wind picks up and blows her red hair in front of her eyes, and gets stuck in her lip gloss. She groans.

I throw my hair into a low pony tail to avoid the same problem. She glares at me, after glancing at her wrist. She doesn't have any hair bands, and my only one is on my wrist. I smirk.

"Guys! Come check this out," we hear Adelyn call from the trees. Rachel and I glance at each other. I shrug and stand up, following the sound of her voice. We stumble over fallen branches and loose rocks. Pebbles get inside my sandal, making it feel like walking on glass, and twigs threaten to pull me to the ground.

Finally, without spraining our ankles (thank God), we reach where Adelyn is. I gasp. A huge treehouse is hidden in the trees. How could we never have noticed it here before? It must've been hidden really well.

"Good find," Rachel acknowledges. I nod my head, walking towards the ladder leading down.

"Do you think it's locked?" I ask, hand on the first step of the rope ladder. I smile at the feeling of it swaying.

"I hope not. Climb up and find out. Maybe there's a hot guy up there," Addy wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh.

"Or a creepy old man," Rachel argues. I sigh.

My (not so) Lucky CharmOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant