Chapter Six

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Since I missed most of my home base (this is before first period), I wasn't sure who all was in that class. And with my "luck", none of my friends were in it. The only person I remotely get along with, is a girl named Paige, but there isn't a seat next to her. I sit in the back, by myself. There is a couple of desks elsewhere scattered around the room.

The teacher, Mrs. Hamel, calls off names for roll call. I'm usual the first name called off. "Clover Ackerman?"

I raise my hand and say "here." She glances up at me and smiles. She's generally a nice teacher, so I should be fine this year. Suddenly, someone bursts through the door. Everyone's heads snap in that direction. None other than Cayden Smith is standing in the doorway.

"Ah, Cayden. Nice for you to join us," Mrs. Hamel says with a bit of sass. I smirk. Cayden's face turns red as he mumbles an apology. His eyes scan the room for an open seat. He happens to glance in my direction, and smiles. He takes the seat next to mine.

"The bad girl beat the good boy to class?" I ask, eyebrow raised. He chuckles.

"So I was late one time. So what?" He directs his attention up front, not wanting to get caught talking during class. A devious plan soon forms in my brain.

I pull out a sheet of paper and write a note: 'God, I can't stand this class sometimes. She's a total bore.' I sign Cayden's name and drop it on the floor near his chair. He looks down and picks up. He starts to hand it to me when I fake cough, causing the teacher to look at me. She sees Cayden, paper in hand, extended in my direction. He turns bright red immediately.

"Passing notes, Mr. Smith?" She asks, heels clicking as she walks down the rows of desks. He vigorously shakes his head. I reach out and grab the paper.

"Mrs. Hamel, I bet he meant nothing bad by it. I mean, he is, after all, the best student in this room," I say sweetly. He narrows his eyes at me while the teacher isn't looking. She smiles.

"Oh how nice of you defending him, but note passing is not allowed nor tolerated in this class," she turns away, forgetting about the paper still in my hand and clicks down the rows. He turns to me, frowning.

"I didn't need you to save me," he says, sulking. I hold back a laugh.

"Really? Because, you were starting to look like a damsel in distress," I whisper back. He turns away from me. "Stop pouting."

"I'm not pouting," he defends, sounding like a little kid. I let out a small giggle. People glance at me, but I don't care. Let them look.

"You are definitely pouting, Smith," I shake my head at him and direct my attention back up front, smirking. He huffs. The class is about five minutes from ending when suddenly, a loud blast of music plays. I jump and loom around. It sounds like my ringtone. I whip out my phone and check for missed calls. There is none.

"No phones out in class, Miss. Ackerman. Please bring it up front," I glare back at Cayden as he laughs. I walk up front, holding my phone.

"Okay. It's up front, I will be returning to my seat now," I turn around, still holding it. Bursts of laughter explode around the class. She frowns.

"Place it on my desk now," she says sternly. Just as I set it down, I pick it back up and turn towards my desk.

"Okay, it's up front and I put it down. Can I return to my seat now?" I hide my smirk as I know I'm pressing her buttons. She curls back her lips, which makes her look like she is snarling at me.

"Leave it on my desk, until I say you can take it back, and then go straight to the office," she says every syllable clearly. People are now laughing loudly at my own expense. I turn and walk to my desk and grab my stuff. Cayden has a stupid smirk on his face. I walk calmly to the door, and as I turn the handle, I call over my shoulder.

"By the way, Mrs. H, on the note, Cayden said he hates this class and that you're boring," and with that, I'm out the door in time to hear Mrs. Hamel yell at Cayden. I wait outside the door, when Cayden suddenly shoves through it.

"I hate you so much," he mumbles, stalking off to the principal's office. I laugh and walk after him. "It's not funny, Clover!"

"Cade, chill," I catch up with him and grip his arm. I can feel some muscles below my fingertips. He jerks out of my grasp.

"No, Clover! I've never been in trouble before. So no, I will not freaking chill," he yells in my face, and then turning on his heel. I run after him and grab his shoulders.

"I'm sorry that I got you in trouble, but think of this as a lesson! You failed, by the way. You did not look cool and confident. You looked like a five year old that was caught with his hand in the cookie jar," I get back and shout in his face. "It was meant to be funny. Also, you're the one that had to play the music to mimic my ringtone!"

"It's okay when you get in trouble because you're used to it," he argues with me. I gasp.

"What are you trying to say? That I'm a bad person? Well news flash, Cayden Smith, you're not perfect either!" I shove him slightly, causing him to widen his eyes in fear. "I'm sorry that I know how to have fun."

"You know what? You are  a bad person, Clover Ackerman. And I can't stand you," Cayden then turns away from and walks toward the office. I stand in shock. "And I do know how to have fun."

"Oh yeah, sitting in your room all by yourself everyday, studying and being lonely is so fun!" I yell as I turn and walk the opposite way. I reach for my phone, remember that I don't have it, and sigh. The bell rings so I'm forced to walk back into Mrs. Hamel's room to recover my phone. Lord save me.


Author's Note:

Don't forget to favorite and comment!


~Galaxy Potato

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