Chapter 1

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"Gus!" I yell from my step-brother as I enter our shared house.

"In the kitchen." I hear him yell back as I close the garage door.

I walk towards our kitchen, before I enter I can smell the smell of pizza.

"You made food without me?" I ask him as I walk into the kitchen to find the pizza in the oven.

Why the heck is he making pizza at noon? He is usually still sleeping.

"Yeah, I'm inviting some friends over tonight. Don't worry it's a small get and not a party. You can join if you want but I know it's not your taste." Gus tells me as I nod.

"Your right, just don't burn the house down. I'm going to the grocery store if you want anything?" I ask my step-brother.

"I thought your just came from the store?" Gus ask confuse as I chuckle.

"I went to the gym. Unlike you my season is still on." I tell Gus.

It's only the begging of April and I end the season in the end of April so I have two more competitions and I'm done.

"Can you get me some beer or hard liquor?" Gus ask me as I nod.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a few hours." I tell Gus before walking out of the kitchen.

I walk back to my Jeep before getting on and driving to the closes supermarket, Public. Once I get out of my car I walk to the store and start going through my list.

1. Hard Liquor for Gus and his little friends
2. Beer for Gus's friend who are too scared to drink hard liquor.
3. Tampons
4. Advil for Gus
5. Lettuce
6. Tomato
7. Protein Shakes
8. Strawberries
9. Ice cream to watch the Kardashians

After I finish looking for the products in my list. I went over to the cashier to go pay.

"Hailey!" I hear someone say my name from behind me before I turn around to see who it is.

I turn around to see my long time best friend and my worst treat in the competition.

"Coco!" I exclaim as I see her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Hawaii to visit your dad." Coco ask me as I nod.

"I did, I just came back yesterday night and now I'm chores." I explain to her.

"You want to do our usual routine tomorrow?" Coco ask as I nod.

Our routine would be to go to the gym first from 6am till 8am and then we go eat breakfast before going to the ocean to surf into we are hungry. Once it hits 1pm Gus comes over to bring us lunch and then he stays in the beach till we're done which is at 6pm. Then we all pack up and head of to Gus and I's house to watch tv or just joke around.

"I'll let you pay since I have to go get ready to have dinner with Henry." Coco says as I smile.

"Henry! Wow and I thought things weren't going to work out." I say as I remember the fight they had last week.

"Not all guys are like Joey. You'll learn sooner or late." Coco says not trying to be mean.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, good luck with Henry." I tell her as she nods.

"I don't need good luck." Coco says being sarcastic before walking away.

I go back to the cashier and see that she has already passed all my products.

"It will be $178, please." The cashier says before I hand her the exact amount of money.

I grab my grocery bags before heading to my car. I open the back trunk of my Jeep before putting all the bags inside. I close the back trunk before walking to the driver seat's door and opening. I climbed into my Jeep before closing the door and starting the engine.

The drive back home was peaceful since I just had some pop music playing. To be exact I had Calum Scott playing in the aux cord.

Once I got my to house, I open the garage door before driving in and parking inside. I close the garage door before walking into the house and closing the garage door that connects to the house.

"Gus, I'm back!" I yell since I don't know where the heck he is at.

"In the living room." I hear him yell back.

"I need help with the bags." I tell him as I start to walk up the stairs.

I'm usually the one that goes grocery shopping and Gus unpacks the stuff and puts them in place.

I walk into my room before closing the door. I went to my clothes cabinet before taking our a pair of shocks with a NHL Oilers shirt and my pjs pants. I head over to my washroom before taking my gym clothe off and getting into the shower.

I wash myself and my hair since it's dirty. After I'm done, I get out of the shower before drying myself and putting on the clothe I brought in.

Once I was all done, I walk out of the washroom and into my room. I look at the clock on my nightstand before realizing that it's only 5pm, wow I thought it was already like 9 but I was obviously wrong.

I walk out of my room and head downstairs to the living room.

"Hey, Gus." I say as I spot him in the living room watching Ridiculousness.

I take a seat next to him before he faces me.

"That's Shaun's seat." Gus says as I look at him confuse.

"Shaun?" I ask him as he nods.

"He's in the kitchen making some drinks." Gus explains as I nod.

"I'll go get myself some champagne." I say before getting up from my seat or also known as Shaun's seat.

I walk into the kitchen and go straight into the fridge.

"Hey." I hear someone say from behind me.

I turn around to find Gus's friend, Shaun. Gus says he's perfect for me but I don't see why? I mean after what happened with Joey, I bet there is no perfect man because Joey use to be my perfect man.

Anyways Gus has been trying to put both of us together for the longest of time but I don't want to do it because I don't feel like it's going to work out plus then it will be weird since he's close with my brother.

I've never meet him in my life tho, I just know him from what Gus has told me.

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