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The command center was for once completely empty and clean I might add.  Harley must have had one of her cleaning meltdowns since I could still smell the after effects.    Even the ever present Hacker had turned in for the night, the fumes must have gotten to him.  I have to say it was nice for once to have the silence that was not common in a house over run by bikers.

Taking a seat, I glanced up at the screens to see if any progress was made in deciphering the password. And after several days we were still fucking stuck. Now Albert was doing what Albert did best and we were stuck waiting.

I didn't like waiting...the unknown was killing me.

What was on this flash drive? Who was it from? My guess was Ian. But then again these were my albums not his, but who else would send them to me? Dawson? He was a choice, but the man has been dead for a while and from the date stamp, they were sent after his death so that didn't make any sense.

Leaning back in the chair, I sighed as my head hit the back cushion. Waiting sucks.

Closing my eyes briefly I let the silence of the room comfort me. If one more person either asked me how I was doing or gave me that look that seemed to be prevalent on everyone's faces...a cross between pity and sympathy, I was going to kill someone.  And I mean that literally.

It was like they were waiting for me to breakdown and go hysterical...well they were going to be disappointed. For one I rarely breakdown, I was trained not to, something that has been so engrained into my brain, I honestly didn't think it was possible. And as for crying...well I only did that in private and only recently in the arms of Mac as he held me in our bed.

The release was necessary, according to Mac, and honestly I didn't even have a smart ass reply because the man was right. I always felt better afterwards.

But now after having some time to process, I have moved on from the shock and moved right into pissed way the fuck off and determined to end this fucking nightmare.

Now these emotions I had no problem processing.

Turning at the sound of the door opening, I watched as Harley made her way towards me before she pulled out the chair right next to me, plopped down into it and tossed her feet up onto the desk.

"What's up bitch? Can't sleep?"

"Nah, and neither can you apparently...Harley I am fine, I don't need a babysitter."

"Oh I know you are fine chica...not sure why all these badass bikers are treating you with kid gloves. I figured the shock has worn off, you cried your pathetically brief tears in Mac's arms and then got some and you are now out for blood. Girl you are many things but you are not a procrastinator. You process shit and move on. Now you got anything?"

God, I love my girl. And she knows me so well it was sometimes scary. But that was Harley. When she let you in, she let all of you in and she paid attention.

"Nothing. And that is also pissing me off. What I don't get is if you go through the fucking trouble of getting this to me wouldn't it be smart to provide the fucking password as well?"

"Well maybe they did." Harley said then hesitated.

"Go on."

"I don't know exactly but something was bugging me. The photos are just that...photos so I don't think there was anything in there, except that you are in a dress and just because all this shit is going down, don't think for a second I am forgetting about that."

Laughing I punched Harley's arm before she shot me a wide ass smile as she got up and dug around in the box before coming back to her seat with the folded piece of paper.

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