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As the guys goofed around with the creepy talking computer I kept my focus on Jules. The woman was an enigma and my brain hurt from trying to figure her out. I mean look at this place, what kind of money does it cost to even fund this type of room? And let's not forget the fact that it was her that developed this whole thing.  Just how smart was she?

It was obvious that I even knew less about the beautiful Juliette that I thought...and that pissed me off. Watching as she types away at the keyboard and talks to Timmons I wondered about the woman behind all this. Who was the women that decorated her private sanctuary purple? Where is that woman because that is the one I wanted to meet.

A ding on the computer next to me caused me to jump up from where I was sitting. I knew computers but nothing to this extent. Leaning down to view the text that was appearing I tried not to laugh.

Hello Mac...Albert here...why do you keep staring at the Major?

I guess Jules's computer was creepier that I thought. Taking a seat I replied.

Just making sure she doesn't overdo it. She is injured.

Injured...right. I am guessing you are the biker that referred to her as a robot. I take offense to that by the way.

Cringing I quickly recalled the last time Jules and I were alone. Apparently Albert knew more than just computer stuff. I have to admit, it was not one of my finer moments and even now I couldn't justify my actions. It bothered me that she was just using me to scratch some itch. Okay so bother wasn't even close...I was downright pissed about it.

Sorry...But the woman is so fucking infuriating.

Tell me about it. She drives me nuts and I am a computer. So just walk away?

Trust me I tried. After that horrible morning when I exploded I had plans of shaking the woman from my mind and finding a nice sweet ass to sink my dick into. But the damn woman had gotten under my skin. Especially after she beat the shit out of Trigger. Now that was impressive and erotic as hell. Even after I learned a little bit about her husband and all that shit that went down, I still couldn't let it go. Whatever she whispered into Trigger's ear really did a number on him but the bastard wouldn't talk and it was killing me to know what she said.

I can't...

Well it sounds like you are screwed. Because I know the Major and once you get on her bad side you have to work twice as hard to get back to her good one.

Well great. That means I had my work cut out for me. She wasn't like the normal whores and bitches that flock to bikers. Juliette was a real woman and one worth fighting for. If I wanted a girl to suck me off and fuck me, I could snap my fingers and have a dozen ready and willing. But that wasn't what I wanted. As a man approaching his forties I began to reassess what I wanted...and that was the woman to my left.

Juliette is a difficult woman to understand. And I want to understand her. But nothing gets through that wall she has around her. I am not giving up.

More like a fortress. Listen word of advice. Don't try to force it out of her she will just fight back. The Major...is a bad ass and one tough woman. But if you can get through all that you will see the woman I do. Don't give up on her. But if you fuck up again – I will fuck you up. I may be just a computer but I don't need fists to crush you.

Christ it sounded like Albert was carrying a torch for his inventor. And I didn't blame him even if it was completely bizarre. Hell the fact that I was carrying on a conversation with him was freaking me out if I thought about it. But I would take all the help I could, I was man enough to admit that I needed it.  And I would take it where I could get it.

So what else can you tell me...

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