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The Coronel was right.   Hell I had no reason to doubt the man as his Intel was always reliable.   But this Intel...yeah I was downright giddy to have finally received the location of this bastard.   We knew there had been too many coincidences of soldiers being in the wrong place at the wrong time scenarios before we determined we had a mole amongst us. 

Peaceful villages that never had any problems in the past suddenly became war zones the second US Military arrived with supplies.   Four times in the last three months, 32 soldiers dead.   Finally someone took notice and began to ask questions.

Now the Coronel received information of the person responsible.   This was one of those situation where you didn't want to be right.   As a sniper I took killing seriously and I didn't do it lightly.  Each target that was on the receiving end of my rifle deserved to be there.  

And as I watched the small city below, its residences unaware of my weapon aimed on them, I waited and waited.

My men were all stationed strategically around various exit points of the village.  Radio remained silent unless someone saw something.   As the sun began to set, I ignored the sweat dripping down my back as I scanned once more.

When my eyes landed on the light-skinned male, the words froze in my throat.   But as I watched the briefcase exchange hands for the large envelope – and envelop that I was positive that contain confidential military information – I couldn't deny the truth.

"Are you seeing this Major?"

"Yes.   Council call it into command center. Santos, Cooper – grab the bastard with the envelope.  He cannot get away with that information.   Maguire shadow the Captain."  

As I kept the soldier in my sights I listened to Council as he relayed the Intel back to base.   The Coronel was adamant that the Captain not be taken out, preferably dead.  And I had no problem following that command.   I wanted answers. 

As my grip tightened I patiently waited for my opening.  And I almost had it until Maguire was made.   Our cover was blown and the Captain was on the run.   Maguire was tracking him, letting me know his coordinates as he continued to fight his way through the busy market.  

Tossing my rifle over my shoulder I descended down from the roof top I was on.  Taking the deserted side alley ways, my plan was to cut them off at the other end of town where I assumed the Captain had a vehicle waiting.   I just hoped I was right.    My adrenaline was pumping as I dodged trash and jumped over fences until the narrow passageway opened.   Scanning the area I noticed the edge of the village was just over the giant wall to my left.  

With my side arm out I headed into the corner unit as I quickly ascended the steps, luckily the place seemed to be deserted or the residence were smart enough to stay out of my way.   Either way I final made it to the roof top and busted open the rusted out metal door.  The setting sun blinded me briefly before I ran and dropped to the ground behind some crates.  

Listening to Maguire I knew our mole was only a few blocks east of where I was located.   Positioning my rifle I began my search, I knew the bastard was heading my way, I just needed to be ready for him.   Sure enough minutes later his large frame came bolting out from behind laundry that was airing on some wires.  Fuck I love it when plans work out.  Flexing my hand I prepared to fire as he was headed right at me, that was until he shifted, dove behind a crumbling wall.  

Before I could warn Maguire, he came barreling around the same corner, his body was immediately jolted back, slamming against the ground.   Scanning back to the Captain, I could barely see him as he continued to crouch down, hidden as he waited to see who else was behind him.   Flexing my fingers I waited until the bastard came out of hiding.   I didn't have to wait long as his patience ran out before he bolted from his cover and ran towards west, directly at me.   Wasting no time, I pulled the trigger and watched as my target crumbled to his knees when the first shot took out his right leg, his shocked face was raised in my direction as I squeezed one more time.   I watched as the bastard's body slam to the ground, twitching before it stilled.   Seconds later the vehicle he was running to exploded a few hundred feet to where his body laid.  Unfortunately the damn thing was parked next to what appeared to be oil drums as the ground shook as the giant fireball engulfed the surrounding area.  

Santos and Cooper were also successful, their target was eliminated without much of a fight.  Apparently the man was eating when they walked in, unaware of the shit storm that he just landed in.   The package was retrieved and in their possession.   Maguire took a hit to the leg and shoulder and was pissed but doing fine.   By the time I made my way down to the main street, it was filled with smoke and the villagers were franticly putting out the fire.  

Command informed me back up was approaching with a vehicle for Maguire.   Our mission was successful. I should have been ecstatic but I couldn't ignore the hollow pit that settled in my stomach. Maguire may have been a traitor but he was still one of our own. It was the first time I had to take out a fellow soldier and I took everything in my to keep the contents of my stomach from coming up.

I knew this kill would haunt me for a long time.

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