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Looking around I noticed several faces from the men who were present in our joint mission a few weeks ago but there were still plenty of faces that I still didn't know. At this point things could either get really ugly, and fast – or the men might actually take my offer seriously.

Fuck I didn't know. And I hated walking into a situation being unprepared.

After placing me at the bar, Mac joined Hawk, and Tank at the front of the room as Axel laid out all the details. From the looks of it Axel was still sober, so maybe he wasn't a total drunk. Only time would tell. Maybe there was hope for him on getting his act together at least of Harley's sake.

From my last check in with her the girl was a complete mess. I was worried that she would never truly bounce back from the shit she was dealt but had faith in my girl, she was a fighter and a survivor. But I won't lie and say I wasn't worried, the darkness around her...well I knew how all-consuming it could be and that shit was not to take lightly.

A commotion caused me to snap my attention back to the crowd as several men started arguing with Axel. I knew that there would be pushback, hell I was basically changing their way of life. Bikers tended to have the attitude of giving a big "fuck you" to society and lived by their own set of rules. What I was purposing...fuck how did I think this was a good idea?

I was blaming my momentarily lapse in common sense on the lack of sleep and drugs. A MC willingly doing the dirty work of the government, the same government they were giving the middle finger to. Christ this had disaster written all over it.

Sipping my water I leaned further onto the bar as I listened to the men debate back and forth. Well that was putting it mildly, some men were downright slurring insults at Axel for even considering this idea. After a few more minutes I slammed my water glass down. Christ we were getting nowhere and I didn't have the time to waste.

"ENOUGH ALREADY!" I screamed as I snapped from all the noise. Surprisingly the room quieted as I made my way up to stand next to Axel, who I might add did not look happy that I was there. Yeah I got it, this was a club thing by time was running out.

"I get it, I do. You take pride in belonging to the Renegades...it means something to you, whatever that is. But I am asking you to think bigger." Flinging off my splint I tossed it on the ground as I pulled the folder I was looking for before handing the others to Mac who suddenly appeared at my side.

"Amy Ross, Jessica Lanks, Jane Thomas and Tonya Crestfield were taken while walking home for school three days ago. They are all fourteen years old, finishing eighth grade. These men are scum...the girls are being auctioned off as wives, trained to serve their husbands...in all ways." Murmurs filled the room as my words sunk in, the men finally giving me their full attention.

"They are abused...mentally, physically and sexually daily. Children being forced to service men twice and even three times their age. Required to do things no teenagers should ever be forced to do. This group is violent and unstable. Living is a male dominated commune that focuses on children servicing them. They are not targeting government buildings or military bases but families and civilians, children. Innocents that are unable to protect themselves."

Taking a moment I passed the folder back to Mac. "There are a few photos of two girls who made it out and from a person who has experienced the effects war up close...well that still didn't prepare me for what I saw. Neither lasted a week, taking their own lives after being completely broken down in every way possible. They target young girls because they cannot fight back and are easy to overpower. And THAT is why I am here today."

Turning to Mac I took one of the folders and opened it up. Glancing at the five men who were the vehemently against the idea, I started reading their rap sheets which were quite extensive, not shocking from the way they were protesting.

"I could continue on but we would be here all night." Laughter filled the room as I handed the folder back to Mac.

"The point is you all break the law, hell so do I – I just do it with the permission of the men in Washington. What I do is not legal, not even close but I do it for a purpose. There are some sick fucks out there and they are destroying this country from inside our borders, I am righting those wrongs where bureaucracy fails. They are a threat to our country that I eliminate."

An eerie silence filled the room as I stopped speaking. As l looked around I noticed that for the majority, I had them...but some needed more convincing.

"Look I get it, what I am asking is fucking insane, but these girls don't have time. I need men who can handle themselves and follow my lead. Men who have no problem skirting the law. The rest of this shit can be dealt with after but consider this. You run guns and drugs for money...risk getting caught and going back to jail for what thirty, forty grand a run? I am offering you ten times that. Earlier I gave Axel a check for one million dollars for this one mission – the condition has now changed. This money is yours for this one mission alone regardless if you accept my offer moving forward. The clock is ticking so who is with me?"

Standing with Axel and Mac at my side, I watched as hands began to rise.

Smiling, I nodded my appreciation. "Perfect, let's stop fucking around and down to work."

Catching Phoenix: Renegades MC Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें