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"Let me get this straight...you want the Renegades to go legit, join you as some type of government approved mercenary to take down shit they can't. In return all our records are wiped, and in the eyes of the law we are basically ghosts. None of this shit can come back on us?"

Nodding I sat back as Axel, Mac, Hawk and Tank all stared back at me like I completely lost my fucking mind. Well welcome to my world boys. It was almost comical to watch the different expressions on their faces. So far this was going better than I expected it to, at least they were listening. I knew what I was basically asking them to change the fundamental foundation on which their MC Club stood on. Going legit was not unheard of – but it took a lot of work and dedication on the MC's behalf. Plus I had my ace in the hole might just show them that it would be worth it.

"Don't forget the money Axel. With every mission you get a third. I get a third and the last goes to equipment and supplies, all which I provide. I do the recon and planning, you provide the muscle."

Axel sat back with the same look of disbelief as the other three. Was this unconventional? Hell yes. Was there a need? Abso-fucking-lutely. The government had a need that I satisfied. It was only right since they were the ones that trained me. I guess the years I spent in the military paid off...and big, considering the amount of zeroes in my bank account.

"So our drug and weapons..."

"Need to stop Axel. Legit is not doing anything illegal, well except what the government pre-approves. You can keep your businesses and your claim on this town. But all the runs cease. Any of your men who do not have military training can stay back and manage the shit here. If things work out I relocate my headquarters here, the warehouse off route 3 has a shit load of land and it is private and secure. I need to expand and would like the Renegades to be a part of that. The smaller missions I will still handle on my own or with only one or two guys. For that you can determine how the money is divvied up."

The next several minutes I hashed out the specifics of what I was proposing. The men in Washington were pleased with the way the Renegades and I worked together. They suggested that I incorporate them into my business, opening me up to bigger jobs. Not to brag, but so far my success rate was perfect.

With domestic terrorism on the rise, people like me were in demand. There was only so much the law could handle by following the rules. Me, well let's just say a blind eye was turned whenever I got involved. Shit got handled, threats eliminated, and people were protected. What the public didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.

"Fuck Nix, this is a lot to think about. And I would need to put it to a vote and not everyone will be on board." Axel said as he rubbed his hands over his face. I could tell from the shaking that his drinking was still a problem and I just hoped that was all it was.

"There are a few other items." Christ this was not going to go over well but I believed in the band aid method, getting it all out in one fell swoop.

"The entire club must abstain from any and all drug use. I cannot have a man protecting my back high on whatever shit he is addicted to. That being said, drinking will also need to be limited. You guys party and do it hard and if you are a drunk you are useless to me. The partying is restricted for downtime between missions."

"That is bullshit..."

"I am not done Axel. The woman must all be over the age of 21 and clean as well. No exceptions. The government cannot protect you on certain things. Underage shit falls in that category. They cannot jeopardize important missions because some underage junkie decides to go to the press."

I knew I was losing them but in order for the government to wipe a shit load of records under the rug, then they needed the Renegades to clean up their act.

"Look you can have woman and your booze, but it needs to be done in their guidelines. No brother can mess with any girl under 21, unless she was raised in the club, hopefully you do that anyways. Excessive drinking and partying is for down time only. When you are gone, the brothers behind obey the same restrictions in case we need them for an emergency. Most of these shouldn't be a big deal, but that is up to your club. Think on it and let me know. I head back out tomorrow, either you are with me or not. Call your men in."

The four men continued to remain silent. I guess anything they wanted to discuss would wait until I left. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a folded up piece of paper and tossed it to Axel. My ace in the hole.

"Here this job doesn't pay much but this is your club's third if you decide to take me up on my offer. If the job becomes bigger then we anticipate, more will follow as collateral pay."

With that I headed back out to my MH. I needed to use my time doing recon on the stupid fucks who are kidnapping teenagers. As much as my shoulder was protesting, rest was not in my immediate future. I laid out all the details for the guys to make a decision, I couldn't waste time worrying about it.

Sitting at my, I began to decipher all the Intel the feds had for me, which wasn't much. As I read the background on the group, the sounds of motorcycles drew my attention to the window. Bike after bike began to line up as leather-clad men entered the clubhouse. Smiling I refocused on my work, happy that the men were taking my offer seriously.

For once I was actually excited at the prospect of joining forces.

Catching Phoenix: Renegades MC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now