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Looking at my phone I was shocked to see Harley's name flash on the screen. Lately it has been nothing but phone tag between us for the lasts two months it seems.  Me more then her that's for sure, this thing with Mac had me so fucking confused I relied on her to listen to my bitching.   Luckily our fight solved those problems but created different ones.    I missed the bastard and I didn't know how to fix things.  For now we were at an impasse, politely ignoring the giant fucking elephant when ever we are in the same room.  So far it has kept the peace...plus I was too chicken shit to bring it up.    But I didn't know how much longer I could go on like this.   If Harley was here she would know how to fix this.

  "Hey how are things going?  Done finding yourself yet?"

"Sarcasm is below you Nix.  And I am good, real good if you actually give a damn.   The best I have ever been.  For the first time in my life I am happy."

"But are you truly happy?   Look, I am so proud of you being able to get past all the shit that was dealt to you, but I think it was time you stopped running and come home already."

Because I wasn't happy.   My friend was off on her own and I needed her...and I never needed anyone before, even Ian, so that was saying something.

"And exactly where is that?"

"You damn well know where.   He misses..."

"ENOUGH!  Dammit Nix leave it alone.   When the hell did you switch sides?  Fuck you were my friend first.  The bastard cheated!  He fucking cheated.  I refuse to just forget that and sweep it under the rug. A leopard doesn't change his spots."

"But if you would just come home and see..."

"I don't need to see anything.   You are as bad as Mac.   Look I have moved on, hell I have even gone on a few dates and didn't freak out, you should be happy about that.  What he and I had is in the past.  He missed his chance."

"Bullshit.  You broke his heart just as bad as he broke yours. You changed him.  And I know you, you are not over him otherwise you would have come back by now.   Instead you live in denial of your feelings.   People make mistakes, hell you are making one by staying away.  Stop being a coward."

"Fuck you Nix...you don't know the first thing about love.   You live all alone in your fortress, behind your computers and you have the gall to harp on my decisions.  When are you going to stop hiding?   You talk a big game but when it comes to you...you are just as bad."

Okay so the woman had a point but if Axel can change so can I.

"I'm working on that...and if you were here then you would know that too.   I would have my friend when I needed her, to talk to her.   You know in all these months you have yet to ask what was up with me.  How I was doing?   No I have had to leave you message after message, with hardly any replies.   Do you even give a fuck about anyone but yourself?    The world doesn't revolve around poor Harley and your problems.   Get your head out of your ass already.  Yes, life is hard, filled with pain, but it is so much more than that you are just too blind or stupid to realize what you have waiting for you.   You experienced horrible things and I don't discredit that, but so have others and they move on to live happy fulfilled lives.   Christ it has been a year Harley, a fucking year.   Eventually you are going to run out of beaches to sit on."

At the sound of the dial tone I threw my phone at the wall, watching it crack apart and tumble to the ground.   I hated myself for what I said, but I was hurt.   Hurt that since we met I have always had her back and come to her rescue...and the one time I need her she can't bother to answer her fucking phone. 

I gave her a home, money, security and even helped her flee that night at the compound.   I have never asked for anything in return, just friendship.   Was that too much to fucking ask?   I didn't think I was being unreasonable.  

The girl has had a year.   Twelve months to process her past and I don't begrudge her that or what she went through.   I just would have like for her to actually give me just a little...would it kill her to listen to me, and I don't mean my voicemails.   Sometimes it feels like our friendship was heavily one sided...and I hated thinking that but I couldn't overlook her actions.  Or lack there of. 

The panel by my computer beeped before opening.   A new phone rested on the tray.   Fuck sometimes I wish Albert was a real person.   He was a true friend, and as of now the only one that gave a damn.

Don't worry Major, Harley will come around.

"yeah, I don't think so, not this time.   I guess I should be used to it.   Relationships and me don't mix.   It doesn't matter, I have you and that's all I need. Now enough of the sappy shit pull up all the info on the second bombing."

A month after the first bombing, a second one was detonated at the Air Force Base in Colorado. We still didn't know how the fucker was getting past security and at this point everyone from the president down was looking for this jackass.   He shot up to the number one spot on the most wanted list immediately.   The pressure was on everyone to find a link but so fare everyone was dumbfounded.    It was like the bomb morphed out of thin air.   The second strike killed four and wounded eleven.   But the casualties weren't the main issue, it was the breach in security that had the men in suits shake it in the $400 loafers. Their fear was, if they could get on a secured military base where else could they get at?

Needless to say the pentagon has me on speed dial, but so far Albert and I have found no links. It was starting to piss both of us off.  The bastard would make a mistake.   And we would find it.  

I didn't have time to worry about my personal dilemmas, not when I had a terrorist to catch.   Harley and Mac could wait...I didn't have a choice at this point.   Too many lives were at stake.

Instructing Albert to run another comparison between the two attacks, I waited until the data began to load.   Same explosives used and both detonated 515 feet from the front gate in plain sight.    From the video a satchel was set on the ground and the culprit walks into a building but you never see him come out.    There is no record of any visitors registered so that means either the soldier snuck in or is stationed at the base.  

Neither senecio was optimal...the bottom line was we still had  traitors amongst us and that didn't sit well with me.

Major...I got something.

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