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The few hours away from Mac did not cool my heated temper. What a fucking prick. What the hell gave him the right to judge me? I am who I am. I have never presented myself to be anything different. I never asked for more or even hinted at more and if he thought otherwise than that was his own fucking problem.

Plus I had more important shit to think about. If the Renegades were willing a lot of details needed to be hashed out before we could proceed with our deal. First the club would have to change their MO and that was going to take a few months to clean up. Doable but not overnight doable.

Next construction on the warehouse would have to begin. I had an architect friend of mine already working on plans just in case. I was never one to wait until the last minute. The upgrades would take a few months to complete, having the connections I had tended to speed things up. My contacts were loyal, trustworthy and especially...fast.

But in order for my plan to be put into motion I needed a decision from the Renegades. And after seeing the faces of some of the men last night, I wasn't so sure things would go my way. I hated waiting. Harley always said that patience was never one of my finer qualities. The bitch was right.

Tugging on my leather jacket I grabbed my cell and headed to the clubhouse. The men had enough time to make their decision and I needed an answer before pulling out tonight. I couldn't wait to get home and away from all this, I needed to regroup and get my head cleared from all the noise rattling around in my head.

Mac's words seemed to take up residence there. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to shake them. A robot. A fucking robot. Well screw him and the bike he rode in on!

The clubhouse was nosier than I expected it to be but it sounded like most of the men where here. Nodding my head in greeting as I passed the brothers I knew I made my way to the main area where I hoped Axel was.

Spotting Tank against the bar I figured he was my best bet since I didn't see the Prez anywhere.

"Hey Tank what's going on?"

"Celebration of sorts. Two brothers returned home from service. They are with Axel and Mac now in the office. Catching them up on all that is going on around here. We will vote shortly."

The one thing I loved about Tank was his precise answers, no bullshit or filler, pure facts. "Great, I have to hit the road by tonight. Do you know..."

My words died as I watched the four men come around the corner before stopping to be greeted by their brothers. Shockingly my eyes only followed on particular leather vest and the man that wore it. Mac laughed as he slapped Puck's back. That stupid ache in my chest resurfaced, apparently this morning's events were no longer on his mind, so why the hell was I still brooding over it.

Shaking off my stupidity I turned away and ordered a beer from the Prospect. Even when I was pissed off at the man my body still wept with need for him and that didn't sit well with me. Not even my ex could pull such a reaction from me.

Christ I needed to stop thinking like a pathetic chick mooning over a good lay. What I needed was to find one of the Prospect that could rock my world before I hit the road. A good fuck always cleared my mind.

"Nix there you are. I wanted to introduce you to Trigger and Ranger. Both served in the Army, two tours. Guys this is Nix."

As I turned at the sound of Axel's voice, my beer dropping to the ground as I immediately pulled out my weapon and aimed right at Trigger's head. Of all the biker clubs in the world, this asshole had to show up in this one. How that hell did I not he was a brother.

Goddammit, well this changed everything.

The men all stepped back in shock. Including Tank who was standing right next to me.

"Well, well, well. I have to say what an HONOR it is to be in your presence once again the great and notorious Phoenix. I have to say I am sadden that the rumors of your death are not true. The only joy I have gotten over the years was knowing you were dead."

The club seemed to go silent at Trigger's words. Word filled with hatred and I didn't blame him, the feeling was mutual.

From the corner of my eye I could see confusion on Axel and Mac's faces. Shit this was one conversation I was not willing to have.

"How's the family Lieutenant." I knew I was baiting him but the fucker deserved it.

"It's Captain now and screw you Major. Your actions destroyed my parents, they never took you for a liar and a traitor."

"I am surprised they kept you active. And we both know that my actions that day are documented. Frankly, he didn't suffer enough and that's ironic coming from you, being the brother of a traitor, how do we know you didn't follow the same path."

At least Axel was sober enough to hold back Trigger as the man tried to come at me. Axel wasn't stupid, he know I would kill first and ask questions later. Too bad because I really wanted to kill this asshole.

"You fucking cunt. He loved you, I have no idea why but he did. And for you to tarnish his name the way you did was unforgivable."

"A traitor is a traitor in my book I don't care who they are. In my years of service I had encountered so many that the name and face cease to mean anything. Being a soldier you should feel the same way. He was a threat and needed to be eliminated. I did my duty that day and I refuse to apologize for it."

"Christ you are a bitch. He was no fucking traitor, you are. Jesus, cease to mean anything. When the hell does your own husband cease to mean anything to you?"

Seething, Trigger fought against Axel's hold. I knew then that my former brother in-law didn't have all the facts. He still believed I was in the wrong and I guess since I sought out to explain my side of things, he had no other choice.

"Before you go mouthing off to something you know nothing about, get your facts right. That mission was classified and you only know the bare minimum. I loved your brother and he not only betrayed our country and the oath he took, he also betrayed our marriage vows. At least that was the way I see it when the man tried to kill me. So take your fucking misplaced loyalty and shove it."

Christ after all these years...lower my gun I slipped it back in my holster. This new development nullified any future involvement of the Renegades working with me. Agent Timmons was not going to be happy but he could go screw himself. I refused to work with a man that wanted me dead.

"Axel, fellow Renegades. Thank you for your hospitality but I revoke my offer. Thank you for your assistance in freeing those girls."

Nodding to Tank, I stepped around Axel while he was still holding Trigger back. I knew eventually the man would show up to finish me off. The type of hatred he was carrying around would never go away, it was buried too deep.

It didn't sit well with me that if he failed, that would mean that I succeeded...in killing him.

Sighing I made my way through the crowd that had formed, a pathway opening up for me as I made my way outside. There was nothing more for me here...

...and that included Mac.

Christ I need a vacation...

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