Chapter Thirteen

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“I’m glad you didn’t, now come here,” I took Niall by the waist and placed him on the cement floor I placed my hands on top of his eyes and he groaned.

“Seriously? How more cliché could you get?” Niall laughed. I felt a little hurt and I think he sensed it, “But I like it… I really like it.”

I smile tugged at my cheeks, “Here stop here.”

I led Niall to the trunk of the car and took my hands off his eyes. Niall looked around and his eyes focused on the big screen on front of the car and many other cars around with old and teenage couples, and some people sitting on the floor.

“A drive in theater?” Niall’s eyes lit up.

“…Yes…” I looked down sheepishly.

Niall cupped my cheeks and forced me to look into his eyes, “This is beyond amazing! I love it!”

Niall pecked my lips slowly and lovingly, “This is the best date ever!”

I looked into his eyes and smiled, “Really?”

Niall nodded the amuse still visible in his face, “I love it,”

I smiled, “Well, the movie is about to start, so we’ll have to see how much you love it then,”

I gave Niall a boost to get on the trunk and I followed. Niall got in the makeshift bed and lifted up the blanket for me, I got in and hugged him to me, “I brought some popcorn too,”

Niall got even more excited at the sound of food, and dug his hand in the bowl of popcorn, “Oh it’s starting!”

The movie started and Niall immediately found out which one it was, “The Notebook?” Niall poked my nose with his pointer finger, “How romantic of you!” Niall kissed my nose.

I blushed slightly, “I can’t help it…”

Niall smiled and looked into my eyes, I absorbed the beautiful color of his orbs and he looked at me intensely, “I love every aspect of you, I love this one the most, your hopeless romantic side, this,” Niall motioned around, “I love this. I love this date. I couldn’t of had asked for a better surprise date,”

I looked down and smiled, “You do?”

Niall smiled at me, “I do, can you tell me something though? Please?”

I looked into his eyes, “Anything,”

“Why do you always have this…I don’t know, ‘bad boy’ look on you? I don’t get it. You’re such a friendly person, but you always have this stern, serious look in your face… I mean it’s okay to like leather and the ‘biker-look’ and all… But, why the seriousness?” Niall asked, honestly curious.

I took a deep breath and decided it was time to tell him about my past. “Well…I’ve…I don’t know I used to be this happy person, I mean I consider myself happy now. But, I used to be a happier and more bubbly person. But, when I was 13 my parents always, always, awfully fought. They fought about anything and everything. It got to the point that they fought about nonsense stuff. Stuff people normally don’t fight about…

“Soon enough when I was 14, I was in my room playing on my GameCube and I heard things smashing, crashing, and breaking….Niall,” I said my voice breaking and cracking here and there considering that I was crying, I hate talking about this, I always somehow end up crying and breaking down and I hate it when people see me like this, “N-Niall, that was the scariest thing I have ever experienced,”

Niall wrapped his arms around me and rocked me slightly, I carried on.

“My sisters were out on a vacation camp for a month, so I was alone at the house. I was shaking so awfully, I couldn’t even hold my control right,” I remembered the awful time and tears ran down my cheeks I wiped the furiously not wanting them to reappear, I felt so weak, “It was all so awful… My parents didn’t even acknowledge my existence on the upper floor they just kept fighting and throwing things… The next few days my parents didn’t speak and then on a Friday my mom came up to me and told me the news that ‘your father and I have fallen out of love and therefore we are getting a divorce.’ It felt as if my childhood was thrown away, and it was all just an act… I felt numb. Everything was awful. Those months were the darkest out of everything… My life became a mess… Eighth grade was the most awkward school year I ever experienced. I was out of proportion, I didn’t know myself. I felt weird, I felt as if I was in the wrong body. I was an open book, everyone could read me easily, it all a big pile of a mess. Life was awful for me back then.

“Then, when I went into high school I decided to put a new look on. A look so no one knew who I was. So no one could read me. So, I wasn’t an open book. It seemed to work… It really did. I was basically the ‘bad boy’ the one who looked tough, but really wasn’t. The shy one… But, the one who just wanted someone to talk to. Then, I met Harry and we became great friends… Really great friends, he basically somewhat brought me out of my ‘funk.’

“One day I decided to ask my dad why they go a divorce, since I’m closer to him. You know what my dad told me? He told me the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard. He told me that ‘just sometimes when you love someone you sometimes have some feuds.’ I didn’t think that was true, because I thought that when you’re in love with someone everything about them and around them is rainbows, butterflies, magic and happiness. I thought he was wrong though. Because when I was around Nina it wasn’t that… it wasn’t rainbows or happiness…that wasn’t love…

“But, when I met you Niall. That was happiness. I felt some sort of joy. I’m not trying to be hopelessly romantic here,” I snorted, but it came out as a somewhat of a sob-snort, “I did sense the butterflies in my stomach; I felt the joy, the magic. I guess my dad was right, ‘when you love someone you sometimes have some feuds,’ we did have fights. We didn’t talk for a long time…” I said sadly, “but that only brought us together. And you know what Niall, I want to be with you, I want to fight, make up, and feel the atmosphere of joy. So will you be my boyfriend…? Please?”

Niall looked into my eyes, his eyes filled with tears. “Of course I’ll be your boyfriend, Zayn,”

I looked into his watery blue orbs that were blurred by my incoming tears, “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Niall said wiping my tears with his thumb and bringing the blanket to my shoulders to keep me more warm.

I smiled weakly, since it was all I could manage with my wreck of emotions, “Thank you.”

“No, thank you, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me your story,” Niall said staring into my eyes deeply, “And you know what? I feel the joy that you feel when I’m around you… It’s magical. I love it. I love everything about being around you… And Zayn, everyone is breaking in the inside… We all have our problems, I’m glad you told them to me,”

I shrugged, “I’m glad I did, it was becoming too much of a weigh to hold,” I admitted.

“I’m always here to talk you know,” Niall said smiling.

“That is good to know,” I smiled and pecked his lips softly.

I’ve never been happier in my life, Niall makes me happy. Everything about being around him makes me happy. Everyone has a reason to smile… And he’s my reason for smiling…

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A/N: Yayyy some Ziall loveeeeee. I hope you like this. I'm trying to update more often! :) I hope you like this. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING. Seriously, I love you guys so much I didn't think anyone would read this, but you guys are so LET ME LOVE YOU omfg. ANYWAYS, I'm posting a picture of a pick up truck in the side because it's hard to describe it.. So, no their not cuddling inside a car trunk dgkdsf lolol. Their cuddling on a pick up truck, trunk i guess idk... ANYWHOOOOOO, the Ziall drama might come when i figure what it's going to be... This story might be coming close to an ending, idk, if i get some more inspirations maybe it'll be longer, if not, i'll it end soon... idk. I want it to be 20+ chapters! :) I want this to be a long story! :)

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting and motivating me to keep writing and updating more often, bye love you guys! :)

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