I hear someone calling me from afar but it was a bit faint. I put the amulet in my pocket and tried to follow the voice. The moon was so bright that I could see the place literally shining and glistening.

I squinted my eyes and grunted as my feet were always buried a bit under the sand. I could feel rocks underneath since I forgot to wear any footwear. This was bad because I accidentally stepped on a slight sharp rock and fell on my butt, wincing in pain. The impact made the sand fly a bit. There was a loud thud but my sobs were a bit louder.

"Damnit, Alice!"

My fingers were squeezing the cut part of my foot. I had to let the infected blood come out or that is what they say.

"Alice, don't do that! Are you crazy?!" I see Drayce in front of me as I looked up. I shook my head and kept on squeezing, oozing out some small drop and stopped.

"Drayce! How did you find me?" I laughed at him and he just gave me a cold and hard look that could make any person shake, "what's wrong?"

"I tried calling you for the past hours and it kept saying you cannot be reached! Don't you know how fucking worried I was, Alice?! You called me three times but I couldn't answer because I was.."

"You were what?"

With a slight hesitation, "well.. sort of a sport training to keep myself in shape."

"I know you could be busy. Why the hell did I even bother?" I was slight annoyed. I don't know. I wanted him to pick up his phone and answer after about one or two calls but it surpassed three already. I can't blame him for being busy. We all have different hobbies and things to do. He isn't my boyfriend yet.

Yet, I'm expecting huh?

"I'm sorry.." Worry stitched on his apology and he looked down to my foot, "fuck.. Why did you even hurt yourself?"

"This was unintentional."

He knelt down and raised my foot a bit, it didn't hurt since the stingy part was the cut one only. I looked at him as he looked at me with those loving eyes. These were eyes I have been seeing for the past days and I began to wonder how the hell did he changed in a snap. He was a bully at first. He was a monster. Should I keep on looking at his good side when he had a bad side in the past? I don't know if I should trust him that much. What is crazy is that, I have trusted him for the past years even if he kept hurting me.

Some say I'd be so insane loving the man who hurt me but trusting the man who hurt me? That is like a convict pleading for a guilty sentence in court.

"Why are you here? What's wrong?" Drayce slowly leaned closer and let me sit on his lap softly. He was wrapping his arms around my waist and stomach. I unconsciously laid my head against his chest, his heartbeat surprisingly calm and collected. His warmth is just to die for. I don't want to move and get off.

"Why are you like this?" I looked up and wanted him to look at me. He closed his eyes for a minute and opened them, looking down softly with those eyes again.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Drayce. You were never like this. You just instantly cared for me. You became super protective. You became so loving. You became dominant but in a good way and not that much of tightness. It is like you are claiming me and only me. I don't know if I should trust you. Maybe you are having regrets on what you did in the past. Maybe you do like me but maybe you don't. Maybe you are playing with my emotions. Maybe because.. Because I am just too naïve I am an easy victim to your underlying charades. Maybe—"

I hear a growl erupting. I'm going crazy, aren't I?

"Maybe I did love you for the past years," Drayce's embrace on him began to be tighter, "maybe I was scared.. Maybe I didn't know how to convey my feelings.. Maybe because I just can't accept that I was or am falling for you."

My eyes widen and I kept on listening to him.

"I've fallen for you, Alice. I always had. Fuck, you have no idea." I felt a warm kiss on my forehead. I can't help but feel at ease, "I'm so crazy about you."

"Drayce.. You aren't." I didn't let my tears get the best of me. 

"I'm so serious for you, baby. I really am." 

I'm still not in a relationship with him but I have kissed him before. I couldn't forget about it. It was hot and warm full with passion and crave. But..

"I'm scared.." I whimpered and I see how he wanted to surpass the hurt from my words.

"Baby, don't be. I'll win you over. I have changed. You're mine and I'll do what it takes to make you love me."

You see, that's the problem.

I already love him but I guess I can hide that for now, right?

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