Mercedes then said "can't Artie's dad take him?" I scoff standing up as I said "jackasses!" But then mr. Shue says "I can't believe how insensitive you're all being" I glared at him making him say "besides Peyton" before he continued "Are you a team?"

Then Quinn says "of course. But Artie understands, don't you , artie?" Before he could answer I pulled Quinn's chair back "so you're cool with me not helping you out with the baby?" I stared deeply into her eyes as I said deadly.

Everyone watched until the bell rang. I stood up pushing her chair back on all four and pushing Artie with me out the room. "I'm sorry Artie that all of our friends are jerks" he just sighs nodding while patting his hand on my hand which was placed on his shoulder.


I was sitting besides Artie ignoring Mike and James stares as the bell rang and Kurt was sitting down while saying to mr. Shue "I have something I'd like to say." He pointed his finger up.

He then stood up continuing "I want to audition for the wicked solo." Everyone murmured encouragement while Rachel stared at Mr. Shue waiting for an answer. "Kurt there's a high 'F' in it." Mr. Shue counter back with a questioning face towards kurt.

Kurt nodded saying "that's well within my range." Everyone says there oohs and stuff after mr. Shue says "well, I think Rachel's going to be fine for the female lead, but I'm happy to have you try out something else, Kurt."

Everyone starts murmuring again while Kurt sighed in defeat and sat back down before Mr. Shue continued "anyway, I wanted to say something to you guys. I was a little disappointed at how you were so willing to take the bus to sectional and Artie drive by himself with his dad."

Immediately I cough before mr. Shue nods saying "besides Peyton of course. We're a team, guys. We're in this glee club together." Mercedes says "Artie doesn't care. His dad drives him everywhere."

Before Artie could say anything I interrupted by saying "so you wouldn't care if we left you to dry and be alone while all your other friends were having fun?" Immediately that made her shut up and everyone else in fact until Rachel says " we didn't think you would take it personally."

I scoff leaning my head back before saying "well you're a loud mouth brat but don't take that personally" I looked towards her earning a glare from her but of course I looked at Mr. Shue when he said " I don't know if you guys really understand how much harder Artie has to work just to keep up."

I laughed when Artie said "Preach" before mr. Shue continued " we're riding to sectionals together or we're not going at all. And to pay for the bus we are having a bake sale." He pointed towards me making me stand up and walk towards the door opening it.

While mr. Shue continued "St. Ignatius nursing home was having a tag sale and my AV club friends here agree to help out. For the next week each of you is going to spend 3 hours a day in a wheelchair" I sat down on a wheel chair rolling towards Artie while smiling since I got practice from him All day And yesterday.

And Mr shue topping it off by saying " oh oh oh. And we're doing a wheelchair number."


We were surrounding mr. Shue in a half circle and Rachel was complaining so Kurt was besides mr. Shue starting to say " we all know I'm more popular than Rachel. And I dress better than her. But I want you all to promise me that you're going to vote for whoever sings the song better. Raise your right hand."

Everyone raises their right hand as I lean back tiredly while still listening " I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better" we all say it. The bell rings and everyone leaves by wheeling away.


I was riding between Puckerman and Jellyfish as they talked and I took pictures of the school and the walking past students . "Im just ssying she has a point. You are kinda of an idiot." Puckerman said as Jellyfish glared at him saying back "nice support, dude. Whatever happened tk bros before hos?"

I stop tsking pictures and say "god there's a 'hoe'" i use quotations witu my fingers on the word hoe before continuing "right besides you and is not afraid to kick your ass" immdealtly puckerman sighs saying "You've got a baby on the way, bro. And you haven't done spit to take care of it."

Jellyfish growls lowly before saying back "like you'd do any different" I groan annoyed as Puckerman says "damn straight. Sell your xbox, Rob a bank,go all Robin hood on this joint, whatever it takes."

Suddenly Puckerman stops jellyfish by pushing his wheelchair against his making mine fall back and my head slamming into the ground after I saw the dark.

Third p.o.v.

The continue their conversation not noticing the bleeding head Peyton on the ground. Puckerman says continuing "all I ever head is you wining and crying about how hard this is on you. What about her?" Finn looks away annoyed saying "dude you are so out of line! You don't know what I'm dealing with!"

Puckerman leans forward saying madly "all I know is that you're a punk what does it deserve to have Quinn and his girlfriend." Finn pushes puck saying "you're a punk!" The two start fighting and getting off their wheelchairs making them fall on the still unconscious Peyton's foot hardly.

Before they could continue Mr. Shue comes in saying "Break it up!" As Santana and Britt immediately run to the bleeding Peyton already having a pool of blood around her head. Mr shue loos over at the girls and push the two boys away before pulling Peyton up to his lap yelling "call the ambulance!"

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now