She and Zoie sit on her bed playing on my phone, Emilia smirking and Zoie with a raised eyebrow.

"You thieves." I say leaving on the doorframe.

Zoie's head snaps up but Emilia types something then looks at me.

"Who's Jasmine?"

My eyes widen before I can stop them but I hone in my shock and shrug," a friend from school."

"Really? Just a friend? Cause this is some serious flirting Em." She scrolls.

With a sigh I go over and sit next to her, looking at my phone," Jasmine is just a friend," I pause," who I happen to have feelings for."

"That's so cute! Is she hot?! Is she smart?! Why haven't you told her you like her?!" She fires of a crap load of questions.

"Hey chill," I say to her," I haven't told her because one I don't think she's gay, two she probably doesn't even like me, and three I doubt she'd be interested."

Zoie leans forward," bullshit you're a total catch Em. Your hot, funny, smart, artistic, who wouldn't like you."

"Jasmine." I say.

They both groan.

"You're so insecure perk up hun. Anyone, girl or boy, would be great to have you. You're fuckin awesome." Emilia says wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

A smile slowly stretches across my face," you really think so?"

"I know so." She smiles.

I jump up, clap my hands, and ask," wanna go to the park, just chill?"

"Yes!" Zoie exclaims jumping up.

Emilia nods and hands me my phone," let me put on my shoes."

Zoie and I go get the boys and we meet Emilia at the door before leaving out.

As we're walking to the park we decide to stop at a 7/11.

"Who wants to pay for my stuff?" Emilia asks grabbing a pack of starburst.

I pick up 3 laffy taffy's, a cherry Sprite, and a bag of popcorn.

"Really? No one is going to pay for my stuff? I left my purse at home." She whines.

Kai wordlessly grabs her stuff from her and goes to the register.

Her face lights up," that's why he's my favorite."

"Liar on my birthday you said I was your favorite." I say frowning and getting in line.

She leans up and kisses my cheek.

Rolling my eyes I pay and leave out the store. After everyone comes out we continue our walk to the park.

By the time we get there Damien is done with his slushee and is obnoxiously sucking up air from the empty cup. Kai, obviously feeling the way we all do, snatches the cup from Damien and tosses it in a trash can.

"Hey," he whines," there was still drink in there."

Kai shrugs.

Kai is the quietest one out of us all. He hangs around us and plays with us but it's a silent hang. He speaks of course but only when necessary or when he wants to. Apart from that he observes everything.

When he does speak though it's either really philosophical or really random.

"If there was something in it then you wouldn't have been slurping all annoyingly." Zoie says sticking her tongue out at him.

Finding Me - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now