Lisa, My Hospital Roommate.

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My eyes began to open and I'm blinded by a bright light, laying on a simple with minimal white sheets and a pillow. My body felt heavy, I was light headed and also weak from what happened earlier. The room was lightly colored, there was no TV, two desks and chairs, a dresser and a few pictures hanging on the wall. It was quiet and I didn't know whether to feel calm or panic again. I got up from the bed and walked around to familiarize myself with the room, as I assume I'm sharing it with someone from now on. There was nothing much to do but to stare out the window so I walk towards the window. 

I look out the window and it was slightly sunny out, cloudy, bright flowers and bright green grass grew from the ground, the trees blew as the leaves fall onto the ground. I've noticed that there was a small pond hiding behind a gigantic tree and a huge fountain in front of the room I was in. I couldn't imagine a mental hospital looking this peaceful unlike most that I've seen on TV shows and movies like "Shutter Island" or" Girl Interrupted". I was still not aware of where this facility was located but I have a feeling it's not on an island and a little further away from the city.

I walk back to the bed and sat waiting in anticipation with what's going to happen to me or why I'm in this place, why I have no memory of anything before coming here. I rest my head on my hands and I jump when I hear the door open. It was a girl with slightly brown hair, tall, and skim in figure. She looks at me and smiles at me and cheerfully walks up to me and introduces herself.

"Hi, you must be Y/N! I'm Lisa! I'm your roommate!"

She grabs my arm and pulls me up and hugs me with a warm and welcoming embrace. She was nearly sucking the hell out of me. She lets go and I just stand there staring at her in astonishment and confusion.

" meet you..Lisa....." I look down not knowing what to say.

"You don't talk much do you? Well that's ok! Make yourself at home! There's books you can read, coloring books, notebooks for you to write. Oh there's a radio on the desk in case you want to listen to some music or audio books"She says in a highly cheerful manner.

 "You can watch TV downstairs in the lobby when you want but no TV's or electronics like cellphones and Iphones are not allowed in our rooms. They say it's a distraction and doesn't help with recovery" 

I stood there near the bed looking down. I don't understand how a girl like her could be so friendly and cheerful at a place like this. In fact why is she in here in the first place. My mind snaps back when she grabs my arm again and leads me to the rest of the room.

"Here's the bathroom. The towels and soaps are in the cabinet below the sink and your toothbrush and toothpaste are up here!"I place my hands on my face to hide my nervousness and curiosity.

We head back to the room and we both sit at my bed. 

"So, how are you liking it so far?" she smiles at me

"I..ugh..I don't know..umm..I hope I'm not being rude are you so cheerful and happy while being here." I nervously ask

"Hmm... "She leans back and looks up at the ceiling. "Well I have to and it's just who I am. When you're at a place like this you have to be happy to not lose your sanity"

"You happy that you're here. Usually people are kicking and scratching people to get out of such a place"

"Trust me. It may seem like hell here but it'll eventually fade away. Just remember you're not going to be here forever. I've been here for four months and I feel much better than when I first came here. The doctors say I'm going to be getting out soon in about a month." she grins

"How are the people here?" I gasp suddenly "I hope the assistant and everyone I pushed are Ok! Aww dammit! Oh no, no, no!" I say in a panic.

She places her hand on my head and holds me, shushing me.

"It's OK Y/N. Things like that usually happen here all the time. Don't worry People here are actually cool. The guards may seem intimidating because it's there job, but they're really sweet..and handsome too" she says while calming me down.

I started to feel comfortable with here. There's something about her that makes me feel I can talk to her all day, about anything. My body stops shaking and I felt a sense if relieve.

"I hope so. I still don't know why I'm here. It upsets me because I can't recall anything before coming here....Who's your psychologistt by the way? I've only met mine once..which was probably hours ago" I say in a chuckle.

"Oh mine is Dr Kim Taehyung. He's really nice and superrrr handsome!! Whose yours?"

"Dr Kim Namjoon. He's handsome too. Nice eyes, and hair. I don't remember anything else though. I only talked to him for about one minute before going crazy. Next thing you know, I'm knocked to the ground and here I am!"

I couldn't help to feel ashamed and embarrassed for causing such as seen.

"At this place you see your psychologist two times a day two days a week so don't feel like you're not going to to see him at all. When I came into the room earlier, I was actually coming back from seeing my psychiatrist."

There was a knock on the door and Lisa answered for them to come into the room

"Dr Namjoon would like to see you Miss Y/N" he smiles at me and Lisa. It was the same guard that tackled me when I ran away earlier today.

"See you later Y/N! Everything will be fine"

I get up from the bed a walk towards the door. I look up at his face and observe his features He really was a handsome man. I snap out of it when he wraps his arm around mine. I was surprised I wan't put in handcuffs this time, and escorts me down the hall to the stairway, to Dr Namjoons office.

"Umm...I...I..umm..sorry for causing so much trouble earlier. Sorry if I hurt you." I say with a nervous stutter

"It's OK sweetheart. It's our job to handle these situations. It's nothing new. And no you didn't hurt me. I'm too handsome to get hurt." he looks at me and flashes a smile. I smile back

"I'm Seokjin. Kim Seokjin, aka Jin, aka Mama Jin, but mostly known as World Wide Handsome. Feel free to call me by any of those names..although I prefer World Wide Handsome" he smirks and gives me a wink.

"Ok. I guess I'll call you Jin...for now." I smile at him

We reached the floor where Dr Namjoons office was and we walk past the break area, where I see a the same guards, hanging out eating lunch and having conversations and making jokes. As we walk by, the blond haired guard came out and shouts at Jin. Jin and I look back.

"Hey Mama Jin, we ordered pizza with extra cheese. If you want any, there's some leftover."the guard looks at me in a friendly manner and sticks his tongue out at Jin.

"I told you not too call me that small hands! Thanks, save me some soda while you're at it Jimin!" He proceeds to walk me down the long hall. 

" Ya! I don't have small hands pabo!" his voice filled with annoyance and one of the guards pulls him back into the breakroom.

I could't help but to laugh and feel sorry for him. Who knew that the people here would be so comedic. Jin sees me laugh.

"Hey look at you! At least I'm seeing you smile. That's the gentlest thing I've seen from you so far today"

 My face turned red and I felt my face become hot. We finally reached the door to Dr Namjoon's office and beads of sweat formed on my forehead and hands. Scenes of the incident from earlier play in my head once again and my breathing slightly become uneasy.

"Don't worry, Y?N. He's a really kind and intelligent man who only wants to help their patients get better. He means no harm, you're in good hands. Are you ready?"

I nod my head yes. Jin knocks on the door and Dr Namjoon tells us to come in. My heart races once Jin opens the door and a bright light shines in my face.......

I hope you're all liking this so far. So far so good, right? lol. I'll keep you all updated on the next chapters.

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