Chapter 6

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I didn't sleep, to be perfectly honest. Like, I tried, but I didn't. For the first time since I had left the Legends, I thought about what I had left behind.

I had a family there. Sure, it was just my dad, but he was my family, no matter how much he annoyed me. And honestly, the Legends had become like my family. In a good way, too. Mick and Jax were the ones I missed the most.

It hurt sometimes, realizing what I had left behind. But at the same time, it was nice to look back on old memories.

I sat up on the bed finally and closed my eyes, thinking about some of the better times with the Legends. When I opened my eyes, that thing that happened a few chapters ago happened again. The world was changing directions.

I was going back in time, and I couldn't figure out how to stop it. When the turning stopped, I was standing in Siberia, outside of the gulag. I wasn't cold, somehow. 

I walked up to the fence and saw Leonard Snart watching the whole scene. I looked up and saw Sara Lance holding a rifle, getting ready to shoot Martin Stein. I watched as Jefferson Jaxson, Jax, sprinted across the field to turn off the power. I watched myself with a bo staff, keeping Jax safe as he ran.

Then I blinked, and I was back in the room that Sam had given me. A blue glow around me was fading. I looked down at myself, and jumped up, hitting my left arm, trying to put out a blue fire on my lower arm. 

It was gone in a few seconds, but I didn't get back in the bed. I couldn't sleep anyway. Instead, I walked out of the door, grabbing my jacket, and going down to the main room, with all of the tables.

Sam had left all of the books out, so I sat down and started to look through them.

I learned about Amara, the Darkness. I learned about Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael. I learned about werewolves and vampires, ghosts and phantoms, sirens and demons.

I even started to learn how to kill them. Angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, sirens, all of them. 

I looked through the artefacts and looked through some of the other books that I had found. By the time I was done, it was about 10 o' clock, and Sam had come out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Oh, hey. How long have you been up?"

I shuffled my feet awkwardly. "I uh, didn't. Couldn't sleep. So I just came down here and did some research before you two woke up."

Sam nodded. "Cool. So, what did you find?"

I shrugged. "A lot of notes on how to kill things, and different experiences the two of you have had. It's actually really interesting."

"I'm, uh, glad you think so. Most people would call us murders, not interesting." I smiled slightly at that.

"That's good to know. When does your brother normally get up? It's 10 o' clock right now."

Sam sighed. "Hopefully pretty soon."


A/N: Hey guys! I figured I would just say hi, and apologize again for the lack of updates. But I'm caught up in school again, so I should be able to keep writing on a more normal schedule. Have a great day, and know that even though you may be few, you guys are the best audience I could ask for. 

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