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I opened my eyes and I felt so dizzy.

I tried to focus my vision and I saw I was in a house? I was fine and my wound was treated too.

"Hey. Are you fine?"

I turn to look at the source of the voice and a very pretty female was there with a worried look plastered in her face.

"Who are you?" I asked, confused.

"I am Krystal. I found you lying unconscious when I was taking a walk." She said.


I turned to look around but my head kept spinning and the blood kept dripping.

I tripped at something beneath my feet.  A book?

I quickly picked it up and kept it under my bra. (A/N: Girls you know what I mean. 😉)

I quickly stepped out of the house from a window which was at a  corner and ran.

My legs couldn't carry me till the end and the world went dark. Is this what people call end?


I suddenly stood up and bowed at her.

"Thank you for saving me." I said.

"You are a human?" She asked and I nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Kim Haneul."

She nodded and left the room saying that she will let me stay.

I suddenly remembered about the book I found. I took it out and started to examine it.

It is a diary of a female.


Today I had a terrible nightmare. I just hope that the nightmare doesn't become the reality. The strangest part is that today I had encountered with a strange creepy looking old man. He was saying about the time when the portal will be closed forever and no one can stop it. I don't believe in what he said but it's really creeping me out.
The way he looked terrified. The way he shouted when he talked. The way his tear fell. Therefore I have decided that I will keep this diary forever with me so I could note it.

                                      -yours EunJi.


Why do I find this entry very creepy? Who is Eunji and why does this name sounds very.....familiar?

Krystal came in with a tray in her hand.

"Eat some of these." She smiled. "Mind telling me how you landed up out here?"

I explained everything to her about how I landed out here and even about the princes.

Now that I think about it, where are the princes?

"It's very interesting, your story.'' She said and smiled.

"Right?" I chuckled. There was silence for a while.

"I will help you to get back." She said breaking the silence.

I suddenly shot up my head looking at her with hopeful eyes.


She nodded and had the urge of crying suddenly. So I let my tears fall and she hugged me.

"Aigoo. You really had a hard time." She whispered patting my back.

"Don't worry now. I will help you get back."

"Thank you so much......" I whispered back softly. "For hearing out to me." I finished.

I thought to go on reading the diary.

I opened the diary but the page were blank? I was confused and shook the book up and down.

I bought it near the light where it was bright and I saw the most strangest things written.


Let the moon destroy the sun. The time the moonlight shines on me, I can be more powerful. I will destroy the people who betrayed and disobeyed me. Let the sky cry out till it dies. The time when I can bring the whole world under my control is approaching. I will take the revenge the way they treated me. No one can stop the strongest me. Not now and never ever.


I felt scared.

What's with this diary? Why did the pitiful written words changed into a creepy scary entries? What does she mean by 'taking the world under my control'?

It's really cree
ping me out.

I continued reading.


I can't never ever forgive Haein. That terrible witch came in my way. The way, I will be forever with her if I can succeed. But no. She just had to stop it. Now I can't never ever make her mine. I tried my best to put her under my control and when she finally believed me, she stole my chances. I even tried to break the curse of the cursed princes for her happiness. I will destroy the maze she made for the one who trespass her territory. I will destroy the Great Haein.

Huh? This diary makes no sense. Why is this diary with many different subjects to talk about. What does mean with 'being with her'?

"Cursed princes?"

"Cursed princes?"

I turned to see Krystal approach me.

"Did you just said cursed princes?" She asked.

I nodded.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"Don't you know that our seven princes are cursed?" She asked and my eyes widened like the balls of tennis.

"CURSED?"  I exclaimed.

She nodded.

"They were humans but their past generations belonged to the royal blood of this world. So they were dragged into this world by force." She explained while I remained silent.

"The curse only could break if one of them fall in love with a human but if can't happen since demons like us don't even understand the word called 'love'." She said.

"Was this the reason why I was bought here?" I asked finally coming to my senses.

"Maybe?" she nodded.

It is confusing as heck.

Cursed princes and the mysterious diary. There must be a connection between the two.

"Krystal?" I called.


"Do you possess magic?"

"Yeah. A very strange one." She replied.

"What's that strange one?" I asked.

"To let you posses something too."

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