"We knew you were special when we first laid eyes on you but when your mother revealed her gift to us and told us you would have it too, we vowed to raise you like any other child, whether you had different abilities or not" she said, wiping at her eyes.

I just listened to her talk, the shock still having a grip on me. "Qhen you were seven, you hovered our cat King above your head" She said.

I blinked. "But that doesn't explain the dream, that doesn't make sense, what abilities did my mother have? What's going on?" I abruptly said.

"Your mother could only explain to us that you were of a special lineage and that you should be kept safe and hidden, your abilities would be far greater than hers because of your father's lineage and that you are the most beautiful being she'd ever seen" Mum said, grasping my hand again.

"She told us, you would have dreams and visions when you realise one's self" she finished.

I glanced down at my hands. "I have powers?" I asked, glancing at my ordinary looking hands.

"I'd call it magic" my mother said.

Suddenly, she gripped me into a tight hug. "I'd love you so much, you are my daughter and forever will be my daughter, I raised you, I love you and I look after you and I hope you will jot hold it against your father and I for not telling you" she said, her voice all weepy again.

"Do you know who my father is?" I asked, hugging her back.

"No, all I know is that he died" she replied squeezing me harder. 

Even though I never knew the man, I couldn't help but feel my heart sink. "And my birth mother?" I asked.

Mum pulled back. "She's gone too" she said, touching my cheek tenderly.

I leant into her touch as she pulled me back into a hug. I heard my phone buzz as we held each other. "Get that, I'll be downstairs" Mum said pulling back and patting the top of my head.

She left the room as I picked up my phone.  It was a text from Austin.

Sorry about last night, I didn't mean to fly of the handle at you.

My fingers typed back. 

It's okay, I've got bigger concerns. You and I need to talk. I saw your eyes last night..




I don't know what you're talking about

Don't lie to me Austin, you're a werewolf aren't you?

This is not a conversation for text.
I'll be over in 15

I placed my phone back on my bedside and dressed. I iced up my phone and walked downstairs to hear my doorbell. I walked over and ulled open the door.
Austin stood on the porch, his hands in his pockets as.he swayed back and forth. "May I come in?" he asked.

I pulled the door open wider and he walked in. "Upstairs" I said, pointing up.

My mother walked in and froze before slowly creeping out.

I followed Austin upstairs and pointed to my room. He walked in and waited for me inside. "So tell me the truth" I said, closing the door.

"I'm not a werewolf, that's insane, they don't exist" Austin scoffed.

"Drop the act Austin, I saw your eyes, I've had a dream and I've just found out that I'm adopted with magic powers" I replied, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He sighed and ran a hand through his blonde locks. He sat on the edge of my unmade bed. "Okay yes, I'm a werewolf, I change on command and no the full moon doesn't affect me, you just need to be bitten on a full moon" Austin said, interlacing his fingers.

"I knew it! The dream last night, you turned into a werewolf with white fur and grey fur" I said.

Austin frowned. "But that means.." I trailed off.

"Yes, Marcus is what you think he is" Austin replied..

"And you guys are mortal enemies, of course you want me to stay away from each other, you got angry last night because you could smell his scent on me and he got angry because I was with you all night" I replied, everything looking into place.

"You're handling this rather well" Austin said, tilting his head.

"Well I mean, when you can make a cat float above your head..." I trailed off.

"Do you know what I am?" I asked, hoping there was an official name for it.

"You are fae" he replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "Fairy" he fixed.

For some reason, I didn't think he was crazy. Austin stood up. "Your blood calls to Marcus like a siren song whereas I'm here for your heart" Austin casually said.

"For my heart?" I asked, blushing like a little school girl.

"Diana, I have exactly tried to hide how I feel about you" Austin said.

I bit my lip, tasting blood. "I feel dizzy" I said, sitting down on the nearest thing.


Hmm mm
So know we know about Marcus, Diana and Austin.
Did you guess what they were, right?

So Diana is adopted.
Austin is a werewolf,
Marcus is a vampire and I wonder why they are all so interested in our little fae.

Find out in the next chapter!
#377 in Vampire!

Love T, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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