Lily stop it everything happens for a reason.

How is this even okay !?

Lily relax you'll get through this just take a deep breathe and relax.

Yea totally because taking a breathe is gonna change the fact that I am pregnant with someone baby who's my worst enemy. Not to mention that I am not going to be able to hide this from the press & I will 10000% get hated on by the entire world. Screw my life.

Kylie Jenner did it so can you !

Oh shut up stupid subconscious, this was the last thing I'd expect to happen to me.

" hello ??? Lily !!! " Kade said screaming.

" hm yea sorry I was just in my own world "

" it's going to be okay "

" Jake will be here soon " Kade said and I just shook my head. " no " I replied to him.

" no Kade he's not going to know how he can't this is not right he can't I'm sorry I can't do this , I'll tell him when the time is right just please don't make me do it now " I begged him. I mean it's not that could actually tell me what to do because he was nothing but a close friend  to me and that didn't mean that he can make my decisions for me.

" okay it's your choice just promise me that you would tell him because even if he's a total ass he deserves to know Lily " Kade said with a concerning look plastered on his face.

" I will tell him when the time is right please I am just trusting you that this is going to stay between us until I feel ready to say something about it " I said looking at Kade with tears in my eyes. This was still so surreal for me.

" what's gonna stay between you two ? " Jake said walking in on Kade and I....crap !

" uh that um I'm in the hospital because I cut myself " I said fast because I didn't know what to say. Yea no shit you dumbass couldn't you think of anything better ? I mentally face palmed myself thinking of that stupid remark.

" yea we all know that so I don't know why you would even mention - " Jake said but I cut him off. " owwww my head " I moaned hoping that would change the subject.

" I'm still mad at you for cheating on me " Jake said sounding disappointed.

" first of all that's not cheating because we were never really together, second of all yes it was wrong for me to allow him to do that but he made the first move and third of all that's sad how your best friend lied in your face and you didn't even notice it " I said sounding rude. Well I needed to tell the truth somehow right?

" he didn't lie to me lily I would know when he's lying we literally grew up together "

" oh really ? Well Maybe you should get to know you're best friend a little better you'd be surprised and what he's been hiding from you before you take your anger out on me for not doing shit " I said clenching my jaw. This was getting into a heated argument until Kade stepped in.

" alright that's enough you two can sort this out later Lily you need some rest your head hurts. I'll go see when you are free to go home " Kade said leaving Jake and I alone in the room. It was pure silent and no one said one word. I was just thinking about the whole pregnant thing and I couldn't believe jake was standing right in front of me and he had no clue that his baby was growing inside me. It sounds ridiculous just saying that. I snapped back to reality when Jake mentioned my name.

" do you want to go back to your aunts house to recover or what ? I'll be okay with your decision " he said.

" why are you all of the sudden okay with me doing things you never let before ? " I asked out of curiosity.

Escaping Jake Paul Where stories live. Discover now