"I know you do, but you need to take care of yourself first. Once they see you, you won't be sleeping for a long time."


"Please, Morgan. Do it for me?" He asks. "I promise I'll explain everything later."

I look into his eyes and see the sincerity. He only wants what is best for me. "Fine," I say. "Just tell my Mom that I was up."

"I plan on it. Thank you," he sounds kind of relieved. There's something he doesn't want to tell me. I'd be pestering him about if I wasn't so tired.

I lay down, my lack of energy taking hold. It feels like I could sleep forever. "Morgan?" Matt asks as I'm almost asleep.

"Hmm?" I mumble, eyes shut.

"I love you," he says. Sleep takes hold of me before I can respond.

* * * *
The next time I wake up, I hear the sound of people talking. I recognize one of the voices, my Mom. The other one sounds like an older man I've never heard before. It sounds serious, and it is about me. My nosiness gets the better of me. I want to know what's going on. This might be one of my only chances. I act like I'm still sleeping so I won't disturb them.

"We ran some tests on her. I just got the results back. It's best if we keep this from her for awhile," says the older man. He sounds like a doctor. Why would they keep it secret from me? It's my life. I don't like this guy already.

"What happened to her?" My mom asks. I missed her so much. Just hearing her voice makes me feel at home.

"Your daughter suffered a panic attack. The lack of sleep and food she had been receiving combined with the shock was too much for her to handle. Everything felt strange to her so she called for the only thing she knew and felt safe with, Matt. We believe that she didn't trust anyone else because one of the officers told me she was screaming at them to go away." I don't remember any of that. Why would I be screaming at the cops? They were trying to get me help.

"She was suffering through a psychological problem?" She asks worried.

"Mostly, yes. Most victims of kidnapping will experience some sort of problem." I'm mentally unstable? What happened to me?

"Will she ever go back being normal?" Normal? What is normal? Of course I won't be the same, if that is what she's asking. I never will be. Why does she always want me to be different?

"No, but with time, she will get better. She'll go through a period of fearing almost everyone." This man doesn't know me. He has no idea how I'll react. I struggle to keep my mouth shut. "You will need to help her through it. I'd suggest a psychologist, but I'm afraid she won't trust him." Thank gosh, that's the first good thing this guy has said all day. I hate psychologists. They act like they know what you're going through when in reality they don't, they just want their big pay check from people stupid enough to go to them.

"So we just need to be there for her? We'll keep her home until she gets better. Anything for her safety," my father speaks for the first time. I almost start crying. Both my parents are here. They can finally hold me. I'm never taking them for granted again.

"I'm not suggesting isolation. I just think you should limit how many people she is around and who they are, but I do think it is a wise choice to bring her home. College is not a good thing for her to do, especially with the state she is in. Being around people she is familiar with will be key to her recovery," the doctor reasons. I need to go to college. They can't keep me from it. My parents can't force me to do anything.

"Does that mean we can take her home now?" Mom asks hopefully.

"I can clear her to go home whenever you're ready, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis."

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