Come to the dark side Dakota

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“I have some questions for you!” Dakota declares.  Kelsey brushes herself off and turns towards Dakota.  “And I have magic, so don’t try to double cross me,” Dakota bluffs threateningly.

Kelsey tilts her head.  “I wouldn’t try to double cross you.  In fact, I admire your bravery.”

“I have some questions,” Dakota repeats, courage faltering.

“And I have some answers,” Kelsey replies, smiling slightly.  “If you want them, we need to talk in private.”  She points to a side room, and Dakota follows her inside.

Inside, there is a giant, ornate table accompanied by an army of comfy, cushy, swivel-y chairs.  Kelsey grabs a chair and sits down, relaxing into the softness.  Dakota takes the chair directly across from Kelsey’s, surprised at the ingeniously comfortable, yet supportive, design.

    “So, what do you want to know?” Kelsey asks, leaning back in her chair.

    “Why did you say I was the special one?”  Dakota leans forward on the table.

“Because you are.”

“No, I’m not,” Dakota mutters.  “I’m the least special of the entire group.  I’m a stupid magicless orphan.”  Kelsey looks at her, confused.

“You mean... You don’t know?  They haven’t told you?”  Kelsey suddenly laughs.  Dakota narrows her eyes.

“Told me what?”

“I can’t believe it… To keep that big of a secret from you...”  The mirth leaves Kelsey, her voice becoming serious.

“Tell.  Me.  What?” Dakota yells, jumping out of her seat.

“Your parentage and the power you have,” Kelsey replies.  Dakota is silent.  “You have magic, I know it as a fact.  As a powerful magic user, myself, I know how to spot another.”

“You’re lying.”

“No.  Here, let me prove it.”

Kelsey places a finger on Dakota’s forehead.  You see?  Dakota hears the words echo in her head.  She looks at Kelsey in utter shock.

“How did you do that?”

“Only a magic user would be able to hear that.  Only a powerful magic user.  Your so-called ‘friends’ kept that from you.  They didn’t want you to know about your potential, or your family.”

“My family?”


Maddie and Keagan rejoin the others to help look for a useful map.

“I found one!” Maddie says.  They all crowd around, excited, but then Evan notices something.

“Wait… Where’s Dakota?”

They all look around, realizing that she is missing.

“We need to go find her.”


“Andrew?  You know, your father?  Keagan kept that from you, too, huh?”  Kelsey shakes her head.  “Did Maddie not tell you that she is your sister?”

Dakota stares back in shock.  “Wh-what?”

“Your father, Andrew.”

“But... Then who’s my mom?”

“Your mother is Lindsaye.  And Andrew is your father.  And Gandalf is your grandfather.  I can’t believe no one told you these things.  I never would have lied to you like that.”

A tear runs down Dakota’s face.

Kelsey smiles to herself, gently resting her hand on Dakota’s knee.  “You could stay with me, if you want.  I could help you unlock the full potential,” Kelsey tenderly adds.

Dakota wipes her face and glares at Kelsey.  “I don’t believe you.  You… You’re a liar! They wouldn’t lie to me!”

“You don’t have to believe it.  It’s the truth, and nothing will change that.  Whenever you are ready to face it, I will be here.  Just send me a mental message.”

    And I will come help you, Dakota hears in her mind.  Kelsey gets up from her chair and leaves the room, giving Dakota one last, sympathetic look before she closes the door behind her.

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