Hey, look. A new character.

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Andrew irritatedly mutters to himself as he picks herbs in the woods.  They finally have a lead as to where Lindsaye is, but they can’t get there because Evan, a nineteen-year-old whom Andrew had met a few years back, can’t read a stupid map.  Both are fairly angry and secretive people, and found that they get along quite well.  Currently, they are all searching for landforms that might help them figure out where Lindsaye is hiding.

    “We are never going to get out of this forest,” Andrew murmurs to himself as he picks another berry.  Just then, he hears footsteps in the distance.

    “Evan?  S?  Is that you?” he asks cautiously.  It’s not them.  Instead, two girls come stomping through the forest.

    “It’s been thirty minutes!” the shorter girl loudly complains.

    “Just be patient, Dakota,” the taller girl replies to the alleged ‘Dakota.’

    “Who are you?!” Andrew demands, waving a skinny, rotten branch as a weapon.  They both take a wary step back.

    “Geez, calm down.  Put that thing down.”  Andrews glares at them, pitiful weapon still in hand.  “I’m Maddie.  This is my friend, Dakota.  Who are you?”  Andrew gradually lowers his branch, seeing that they are not making any advances to attack.

“I’m Andrew.”  Maddie’s eyes widen at his name, but he brushes it off.  Most people are in awe of him, his luscious, bieberish locks enchanting all who witness their majesty.

“Nice to meet you.  What brings you out here?” Dakota asks, noticing that Maddie is at a loss for words.

“I’m looking for… someone.”

“How convenient.  We are too.” Dakota replies.  Andrew narrows his eyes at them.


“Oh, just some lady who goes by the name Lynsey.”  Andrew gasps in shock.  Is everyone looking for her?

“...So am I,” he states after a few moments of silence.  “Do you want to work together with me?”

“Yes!  Yeah, that would be great!” Maddie exclaims over enthusiastically.  Andrew nods and calls his friends over.  S and Evan materialize from the woods.

“Maddie and Dakota, meet Evan and Agent S.”  They both nod.  “They will be accompanying us,” he adds.  S’s eyes widen.

“So do you happen to know how to get there?” Evan asks.

“Sure.” Maddie takes the map from him. “We are… here.  And we need to get… uh.. here.  It’s only, like, a forty minute walk.”

“I don’t know.  That seems like a pretty long distance,” Dakota sardonically complains.

“And how do you even know where we have to go?  We’ve been searching for days!” Andrew exclaims.

“We have our sources,” is Maddie’s cryptic reply.

“Then I guess we had better get going.” Andrew says.  They begin walking in uneasy silence.  Maddie watches Andrew in awe, having waited so long to meet her father.  Dakota goes up to the other boy.

“It’s Evan, right?” Dakota asks him.

“Yeah. Evan the Specialist.”  She gives him a weird look.

“Really.  Specialist?  Of what?” she asks sarcastically.  He grins.

“Parkour.  I am a Parkour Specialist.”  He does a sick flip over a fallen log to prove himelf.

“Nice,” Dakota compliments, for once not being horribly sarcastic.

“Yeah.  So, what do you do?” Evan asks.

“I provide intelligence and sarcasm,” she explains.  “I don’t have magic like everyone else.”  Her voice is bitter.

“That’s alright.  Sarcasm and smarts are good,” he says back, giving her a small smile.  They talk about stuff for a while, getting to know each other better. Maddie talks to Andrew learning more about him during the walk as well.  S, however, talks to no one.  She has her eyes and ears open as they walk.

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