Someone more evil than the cat lady

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“What is your plan?  How did you come up with it, anyways?  I never took you for a smart person,” Andrew spits back angrily.

Suddenly, door slams shut in the distance.  Laughter comes rolling out of the shadows.

“Oh, that was good.  That was a good one.  As if she was actually the one to think up anything.”  Another light turns on, revealing a woman with medium length straight black hair and gleaming green eyes standing toward the back of the room.  Her outfit consists of a black leather jacket and skinny jeans, with a belt looped around her waist, a gun and a knife holstered at each side.  The laughter has left a wicked grin on her face.  Andrew narrows his eyes at her.

“Do I know you?” he questions.

“That doesn’t matter,” she replies with a lazy wave of her hand.  S stiffens, hearing the voice clearly for the first time.  Slowly, she turns around, staring at the figure.

“Lidnsaye, how much did you tell them?” the girl asks.

“Nothing.  Just like we practiced.  I told them nothing about our plan.”


“Kelsey,” S says quietly.  “Kelsey!” S repeats, louder.  The Kelsey’s eyes widen in shock, then narrow in anger.  “Kelsey, you’re alive!” S says in disbelief.

Kelsey glares at S, and then rolls her eyes.  “Obviously. ”

“But... But how?  And why don’t you look any older?”

“You never were the sharpest knife in the drawer, were you?” Kelsey responds, smirking.  “As for my age, I managed to develop a spell to keep me young forever.”

“But how-”

“Ignoring you.” she says in an evil, sing song voice. “ Let’s see who else is here.”  She notices Maddie and Dakota.  “You two. The young girls. Who are you?” she asks boredly.

“I’m Dakota, and this is Maddie, and we will stop you,” Dakota declares, trying her best to fake confidence.  Kelsey smiles, then looks at Lindsaye.

“Well, isn’t this just wonderful,” Kelsey exclaims, her smile growing wicked.  “Everyone we talked about, right here at the same time.  Even the special one,” she says, pointing to Dakota.  Dakota gives her a quizzical look.  Kelsey tilts her head, confused.  Does she not know? Kelsey wonders.

“What do you want with us?” Maddie asks angrily.  Kelsey and Lindsaye look at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“No more playing around!  Tell me what you’re planning, Lindsaye!” Andrew shouts, hands balled up into fists.

Lindsaye looks at Kelsey for approval, and Kelsey gives a blasé nod.

“Well, it’s nothing big.  We’ve just created a virus that we’re planning to release on the Earth,” Lindsaye proclaims.  “I guess the cat’s out of the bag!”

“ENOUGH with the cat jokes!” Kelsey shouts, her angry voice echoing through the building.  Giving Lindsaye a warning look, she continues the explanation.  “It’s a little something I like to call the Black Death Two.  We release it on the Earth, a few million people die, I present the antidote and sell it to the government, they cure the disease and I- sorry, we are honored for curing it, and step one of the plan is complete.”

“Step one?  Why are you doing this, Kelsey?  Killing innocent people?  This isn’t like you!” S tells her.

“How would you know if this is like me or not?” Kelsey replies quietly, a deadly malice in her voice.  She snaps her fingers, producing a tiny, flickering flame that dances about her fingertips.

“I’m your sister.  Of course I know you!  And these powers we were born with-”

“Are meant to be used,” Kelsey interrupts angrily.  “If I was given them, then I can do whatever I want with them!  They were given to me for a reason.”

“But hurting people?”

“No one will get hurt if they stay out of my way.”


“I see no sister of mine.”  Kelsey’s tone ends their conversation.

“Mom?” Evan shouts, appalled.  No one had noticed that he had gotten up.

“Seriously?  Is every single freaking family member of mine here?” Kelsey yells, throwing her hands in the air.

    “Wait, you’re Kelsey’s son?” Dakota asks Evan, incredulous.

    “I’m adopted,” Evan bitterly retorts.

    “Still, you’re her SON?!”

“If, by son, you mean that I raised him, then yes,” Kelsey adds.  “But he left me, and that is where the relationship between us ends.”

Maddie looks over at Evan, hoping for an elaboration.  “She adopted me when I was a baby, but, around three years ago, I left home.  She wanted me to be evil like her, to take part in her devious plans, but I just couldn’t do it.  I never knew that she had anything to do with Lindsaye.  I just decided to help Andrew because I wanted to be good.”  His voice is quiet, filled with shame.

Suddenly, Kelsey takes out her gun and points it at a cat rubbing against her leg.

“Lindsaye, what did I say about your cats?”

“...That if they touch you, you’ll kill them,” Lindsaye answers, head hung low.

“And what do you think is going to happen to this one?” Kelsey asks, cocking the gun.  

Lindsaye leaps out of her chair, running over to Kelsey and grabbing her cat.  Clutching it close, she rocks it back and forth in her arms.  “You need to stop shooting my cats.  That’d have been the fifth one this week,” she mutters angrily.  Kelsey just smirks and puts the gun back.

Out of the blue, Keagan appears behind Lindsaye and Kelsey, signaling for everyone in the cell to be quiet.

“I want them split up,” Kelsey tells Lindsaye, both of them oblivious to the wizard right behind them.  “Different cells each.  I need them to each be individually-” Keagan places a hand on each woman’s shoulder.  They crumble to the ground, asleep.

“Hurry!  It will only last for a couple minutes,” Keagan explains as she unlocks the jail cell.

“Mom?  What are you doing here?” Andrew asks, annoyed.

“What the heck is going on?” Dakota shouts.  “Why is everyone related?”

Maddie looks at Keagan, eyes wide.  Keagan glares back, knowing what Maddie is thinking.  She doesn’t want Maddie to make a scene.  Not now.  Andrew cannot know who she is.

“Which way?” Evan shouts.

“I do not know!” Keagan says.  “Let us try this way!”  They give a quick glance to Lindsaye and Kelsey, and, seeing that the evil duo is still out cold, run out after Keagan.  That is… all but one.  Dakota doesn’t move.  She has questions, she wants answers, and she has a feeling that Kelsey is the only person who will give them to her.  No one will even notice that I’m gone, she thinks to herself, bitter.  They never do.

Kelsey slowly awakens.

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