20ish Years Later

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    “Ugh, this stupid thing,” Maddie shouts as she hits the doodad on her wrist a few times, hoping that it will work.  It doesn’t.

    “Did you tell him everything?” Keagan the wizard asks, her pristinely-white cloak flowing about her.  Somehow her clothing manages to stay spotless even after trekking through the forest.

    “Pretty much everything.  Maybe if this time-bracelet thing would actually work, I could’ve told him the last bit of info.  But he should be fine.”

    “I told you it would only work for a couple of minutes.  That’s what Gandalf said.”

    “Well, his estimate was off by a bit,” Maddie mutters, giving up on the time-bracelet for the time being. It only worked once, and now that one use was wasted.  Dakota, the other apprentice, and slightly okay friend of Maddie, chuckles from her random chair in the background.

“You two are ready for your next task,” Keagan states.  Maddie sits down in the chair conveniently located next to Dakota’s own chair.

“Oh, great.  ‘Cause the last one went so well,” Dakota drolls sarcastically.

“You must find this man again,” Keagan continues, ignoring Dakota.  “He will be much older now, by about twenty years.  You must help Andrew find Lynsey.”

“Who’s Lynsey?” Maddie asks.

“And why do we care?” Dakota adds, dramatically rolling her big hazel eyes.

“You will find out soon enough.  Whatever you do, do not tell Andrew who you really are.  It is best that he doesn’t know.”

“Yeah, great.  Another mystery shrouding more mysteries.  Can’t you just give us a straight answer for once?” Dakota mutters darkly.  Keagan gives Dakota a warning look.

“Mystery is sometimes for one’s protection.  It is necessary.” Dakota rolls her eyes again at this, eye rolls being her signature action.

“When should we leave?” Maddie asks, casually changing the subject.

“Immediately.”  Keagan throws two bags filled to the brim with supplies at them.  “I have located Andrew.  He is just a twenty minute’s walk north of here.”

“What do we do when we see him?”

“Somewhere, bring into conversation that you are looking for Lynsey.  Since your goals are the same, it will make sense that you work together,” Keagan explains.  Maddie nods in understanding.  Both  Maddie and Dakota stand up in unison, grabbing their supplies.  Dakota heads down the path, but Maddie stays back for a minute.

“I really can’t tell him?” Maddie asks.

“Or your sister, Dakota.  Neither of them can know that you three are all family,” Keagan replies.

“Are you coming or what?” Dakota yells from up ahead.

“Coming!  See you later, Keagan.”  Maddie smiles at Keagan and chases after Dakota, Keagan watching them with concern as they fade into the distance.

“Stay safe…”

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