How it Began

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WARNING: Abuse, slight gore, and foul language.

10 year old (F/n) looked at her mother.
"Mom, what happened to your eye?" The woman turned to see her child's confused look. She was referring to the black, blue, and purple eye. Her mother smiled. "Nothing baby, go ahead and sit down at the table." The girl nodded and walked to the dining room and sat at the table across from her father. "Good morning dad" she smiled.
"Morning" he huffed rubbing his temples. When she was going to ask what's wrong her mother walked in and placed a large plate down with a stack of pancakes, sausage, and syrup. She also set down a plate with bacon and eggs. The girl smiled and grabbed some pancakes to put on her plate. She looked up and saw her mother looking down at the pancakes and then looking at her husband and then she saw her father look up into his wife's eyes with a weird look. He seemed sad. He looked down again as his wife set the food on his plate and she sat down herself and got her food. (F/n) put syrup on her pancakes and started eating. She looked to see her mother gently place her hand on his husband's and smile. Her husband smiled slightly and looked back at her. She continued eating and afterward she got up and thanked her mother and walked her empty plate to the sink. She got ready for school and hopped on the bus wishing her mom and dad goodbye with a kiss.

She came home and wasn't greeted by her mother. Weird. She walked into the house seeing her mother and father yelling.
"You're drunk (D/n)!"
"Shut up! I'm not even that drunk!"
He was stumbling towards the woman.
"D-don't, please you're drunk."
"I said shut up!" He took the bottle and threw it at her. It busted on her chest and she flew back. The glass broke and stabbed into her skin.

You woke up in cold sweat breathing heavily. You looked around to see a white walls and cabinets. You realized you were on some hospital bed. Their were blood splatters on the wall and tools laid out on the table. You were in the makeshift doctors room Nurse Ann and EJ made in the basement. You sat up slowly and realized you were crying. Flashes of memories ran through your brain and you looked down to see you were still in your sweat pants and now in a long sleeved white shirt. You looked up and took the blanket off and swung your legs off the bed and got up wobbling. You touched the scar under your shirt and sighed. God how you wished they didn't see it, it was gross. Stupid Jeff. You got up and opened the door.

(Masky's P.O.V)

I sat on the couch as Jeff was looking, no, staring at his phone.
"What are you looking at?" My eyes snapped to the right looking at Ben.
"Something beautiful." His smile stretched.
"Uh huh, what may that be?" Jane said.
"Probably his own fucking face." I blurted out knowing Jeff thought he was beautiful— although he was pretty fucking ugly— I tried to
see but couldn't.
"I am pretty fucking beautiful, but this, but this! Oh I wish I would've done it myself."
"What are you on about?" Ben said as he moved over to see. Jeff rolled his eyes.
"Woah, that's an ugly scar" Ben's electronic voice cut the air.
"What scar?" I asked. My mind instantly ran to (F/n). I got up and walked over and saw the screen. On the screen showed (F/n), well her chest, and the scar running down below her ribs and Jeff's blenched hand pulling down the side of her sweat pants to show it went down her hip, but the rest was covered by her pants.
I grew angry. He didn't even have the decency to cover her chest, only covered by a bra. "Delete it." I snapped.
"Excuse me? My phone my picture." He responded.
"Delete it Jeff, did you see what you did to her? The last thing she needs is to know you have this." I glared at the male.
"What is it?" Jane said walking over and looking down.
"Jeez that is an ugly scar, who is it?" She said.
I snatched the phone. I hated the way they looked at her like a fucking toy, it's disgusting.
Jeff jumped up.
"Give it back!" He wrestled me but I kept my grip.
"Knock it off you two." There stood EJ, his stance showing he was serious and not in the mood.
Jeff snatched his phone back and made sure the picture was still there.
"He took a picture of her scar." I said and EJ shook his head.
"Nothing I can do to stop him."
"Who is 'her'?" Jane said questionably.
"(F/n)." Jeff said after shutting off his phone and leaning back on the couch.
"Wait, that was (F/n)'s scar? Jeez I knew she was hiding something."
"Same." Ben said.
I realized something, nobody but Slender, EJ, and Nurse Ann has seen her scar. I felt... envious? No, I don't feel things like that. My chest was on fire. We all turned our heads to see the basement door opening as two figures stepped out. My companion, ushering someone upstairs carefully. That somebody was (F/n).
Had he been waiting for her? No Hoodie doesn't do stuff like that. She didn't speak when she saw all of us. Instead she looked at Hoodie and nodded and walked towards the hallway to the staircase that leads upstairs. She stopped when she was about to step onto the first step and looked over.
"Please don't bother me, I'm unwell and I want to be alone." Nobody said anything as she walked upstairs.

((F/n) P.O.V)

    You walked up the stairs and headed to the library to calm down your senses. When you left the hospital room you were greeted by Hoodie and he helped you upstairs. You continued walking and pushed open the large wooden doors and stepped inside shutting them behind you. You sat down on the plush couch and brought your knees to your chest and stared at the wall. You heard the door open. Without looking over you spoke
"What did I say about bothering me?" A figure stepped forward shutting the doors and walked over and sat next to you.
"I'd die before I'd ever take an order from you." A deep voice stated and you looked to your right to see Masky staring right back at you.
"Not in the mood."
"Oh boo hoo you got a big scar, so what? We're all fucked up."
"It's different." You snapped.
"Oh? How so? Please tell me." He mocked.
"Back off Masky."
"My name is (F/n), and I'm a pussy."
You punched his arm roughly and glared. You were a mess, your hair was in all sorts of places, you had bags under your eyes and your cheeks were red from crying.
He sighed and rest both his arms on the back of the couch.
"Want to talk about it?" Masky said softly. You were shocked by the sudden mood change.
"Not really." You said and looked down.
You then felt his play with your hair from behind. He was twisting your (h/c) locks in his gloved hand.
"What are you doing?"
He didn't answer, you hated when he did that. It really pissed you off. Was he trying to comfort you?
He sighed and took his hand away making you a bit sad since it felt nice. He then pulled his mask up above his lips. "Close your eyes." His voice wasn't muffled.
"No, I know you're going to take off your mask and it's no fair that you saw my... scar. So no I am not closing my eyes."
He huffed and turned towards you and slipped off his mask. You turned your head to stare into bright blue eyes. You felt your breath caught in your throat.
"Cat got your tongue?" He asked.
Your heart was pounding. He had a bit of side burns and his eyebrows were full. His cheekbones are visible and his jawline is sharp. But the thing thing that surprised you the most was his eyes. You leaned forward without thinking and cupped his cheek in your hand looking into his bright eyes. When your warm hand came in contact with his cold cheek he flinched. He then looked away and then back at you. You felt his hand place itself over yours and his other held your chin. He came closer and you both were staring at each other's lips. You could feel his cheek warming up and your heart was racing. What are you doing? Before you knew it both of your eyes closed and your lips touched. It wasn't just peck, but it wasn't a make out either. You both pulled away and looked at each other.
"What j-" before you could speak again his lips crashed onto yours and you wrapped your other arm around his neck and played with his brown locks and his strong arms held you. The position was quite awkward so he pulled you onto his lap. You felt him smirk into the kiss when you jumped at the sudden pull. He departed from your lips and kissed down your jaw to your neck.
"Timothy." He cut you off muttering against your neck.
"Thats my name isn't it?" His lips made contact with your neck and you flinched.
"Timothy..." you said slowly. He kissed your neck once again and gave it a little bite.
You played with his hair and shivered when he kissed down your neck to your collar bone. You then felt his hand snake up your shirt and your heart stopped for a moment. You then felt his fingers grazed your scar. You flinched and grabbed his arm roughly with your hand.
He retreated his hand and whispered sorry. Instead he rested it on your thigh.
"I hate the way you make me feel." He breathed against your neck.
You didn't respond, you let him vent.
"The way you walk, talk, even fucking breathe makes me feel something. It's annoying. I want to hurt you." He brushed your hair with his fingers and nipped your neck and you gripped his hair tighter.
"I want to see you hurt..." he bit and kissed your neck making sure to leave a bruise.
"You give me... a rush." He went to the other side and continued and your gripped his hair and turned your head away giving in and letting him bite, suck, and kiss your neck. He retreated and kissed your lips. You stared into his blue orbs and rested your head on his shoulder unable to meet his eyes. He rubbed your back and you stayed like that for what seemed like hours. He laid on his side with you still in his arms.
"I like you." He whispered in your hair. "Or at least I think I do..."

Creepypasta Masky x Reader. [Cheese Cake]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon