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Warning: foul language

A/N: It's been awhile haha.. sorry this is so late. Forgot to inform you guys that we did have to put our cat down. plus I am home sick writing this. I hope you all like it. Also! I know people think Toby and Hoodie are seen as like cute or whatever. But in this story, Toby is sweet but he is also a killer. He doesn't have a soft voice or anything, It's just his tics in his speech. hope you still like it.
Other story is out! Hoodie x Reader!


It's been four days after the deer incident. After that day, Masky began to ignore you for reasons unknown. You didn't know how to feel about it, were you suppose to be sad or happy? It's odd. You walked up to the library having nothing better to do. You grabbed the cold, brass handle and opened the door, walking in you saw someone on the couch. Who is it? You walked closer. There you saw small tuffs of brown hair from the back and a black shirt rising up and down slowly. The person seemed to have defined muscles. You walked closer to see him. Masky. You sighed and sat on the uncomfortable rocking chair and read your book. You couldn't focus, you kept looking at the tall male lying on the couch. You had the oddess temptation to take his mask off. Now that you think of it, it's weird that he sleeps in it except for when he is in his room. Why does he hide his face all the time? Is he as horrible looking like Jeff? You set your book on the end table and slid out of the rocking chair trying to be as quiet as you could. You stalked over and hovered over the male. Reaching out you gently grabbed the side of the mask. You jumped when he suddenly grabbed your wrist roughly and threw you to the floor. He then pinned you down. "The hell were you doing?" He growled angrily. You gulped, has he always been this scary? You shivered feeling his glare and answered, "Nothing."


He's right. you were attempting to take off his mask. You took a breath in. "I was curious." You said looking at the male above you. He is gripping your wrist pinning them above you and he is straddling your hips. You bit your lip in order to stop yourself from telling him to fuck off. "Whatever." With that he let go of you and stood up. You sat up and rubbed your sore back and looked up at the male. "Why do you cover your face, do you look like Jeff or something?" Fuck, you thought to yourself, you're an idiot, should've kept your mouth shut. You stood up. He laughed darkly. "You interested in me or something?" You blushed slightly and cursed at yourself. "No, but seriously what are you hiding?"
"None of your business babe" He said taunting you. You growled and walked past him bumping his shoulder. That hurt your shoulder more than his probably. You opened the door and stormed out pissed off.

Once you made it to the living room, you sat down and watched TV with Jane. She was flipping through channels when she stopped and laughed looking at the —what looked like high schoolers— dancing on tables and singing. You looked at it dumbly as Jane was dying of laughter. Toby walked in and sighed. "I-is t-t-that High S-school Mu-sical?" You looked at him. "What's that?" He looked at you and sighed shaking his head. Jane flipped the channel and looked at you. "How the hell do you not know what High School Musical is?" You shrugged. It's a musical is all you guess. Toby took your wrist. "I-I'll sh-ow y-y-you what H-high Shcool Musical i-i-is." You raised an eyebrow but followed his lead upstairs.

Once you made it to Toby's room you noticed it was like any teenage boy's room, except for the hatches. A small flat screen TV sat on the wooden dresser, the bed was right across from it. "M-make yourself c-c-comfortable." You nodded and sat on the un-made bed. His room wasn't clean but it wasn't a mess and it smelt good. You gathered the blanket and leaned against the pillow and watched as he slid the disc into the Blu-ray player. He grabbed the remote and shut off his lights but left the door slightly open. He walked over to the bed and sat next to you grabbing some chips from his bedside table. "You're going to get roaches if you keep food in here." You said looking the taller male. He raised an eyebrow at you and laughed. You rolled your eyes and he started the film. You let yourself relax and sink into the blanket and Toby got under the blanket also. You looked at the TV, must be a younger kids' show. "And you have this because?" You looked at the male who was taking off his googles and mouth guard. He flashed a handsome smile and answered "H-honestly I t-t-think when I st-tole a bunch of g-games and movies from a h-house, I acc-accidently picked t-this prize up." You laughed. It started off at some lodge where a girl was reading -- most likely the main character-- and then a boy playing basketball. Everything moved so fast to where they were now singing at a New Years party. Toby was eating some chips and you yawned. "This is the most dramatic teen love story I've ever seen" you whispered. He laughed and looked at you. But you sat there and watched it with Toby. In the middle of the show the door was pushed open and Masky walked in. "Toby whe-" He stopped and looked at the both of you. Toby groaned and paused the movie. "W-what?" Masky sat there and turned his masked face towards the TV, "The fuck are you watching?" You groaned and sighed "High School Musical, why?" Believe it or not but you thought it was getting good, no matter how annoying it seems. Masky snapped his head towards you. "And you two are?" He sounded mad, Slender probably is having him do some shit. "W-what do-does it-t-t look l-like we're do-ing Mask-Masky?" Toby said wrapping an arm around your shoulders. His arm was warm around your cold shoulders. You smirked, both Toby and you liked messing with Masky, It was fun. He groaned and scratched his head. "You both look like horny teenagers, especially you Toby." You could hear the smirk in his voice. Toby's eyes dulled and glared at Masky. Then he smirked. "Yeah?"

"Yeah" Masky responded slowly confused at Toby's tone of voice. You weren't sure how to feel either, you could tell Toby was planning something. "Maybe w-we ar-are." Toby said laughing at Masky as he grabbed your hips and brought you onto his lap, "Wan-want to join us, M-maskyyy" he said tauntingly smirking madly, he rested his chin on your shoulder and you felt his hot breath on your neck. You felt a shiver run up your spine, slightly uncomfortable. But you went along with it, anything to screw with Masky. "Well?" you asked looking at the standing masked male. "(F/n), don't test me. Don't fuck around, we have patrol tonight." He stood there and then turned around slamming the door behind him. Toby laughed and set you off of him. He started hiccupping from laughing so hard. "M-man he's no f-un. I was hoping t-t-t-o embarrass him." He smirked and looked at you all of a sudden looking like a kid again. You laughed uncomfortably. "O-oh shoot sorry! I-I should h-have a-a-asked if I could do t-that." He said looking at you shocked. Your cheeks were burning and you scratched the back of your neck. "H-he just seems r-r-really sexually f-f-frustrated and it's funny seeing him like t-that since he is usually so 'professi-ional'." You nodded understanding your friends actions. You both got back in your spots both talking for a bit after to movie was turned back on to clear the awkwardness. You were fine after that, you'll always be good friends with Toby.

Once the movie was over you told Toby you have to get ready for patrol he hugged you and apologized again and you both laughed it off. You walked out shutting his door and thought. Masky sexually frustrated? Sounds like Jeff " You laughed to yourself and went to your room shutting and locking the door. You undressed out of your clothes and inspected yourself in the mirror. You looked at the large, still healing cut on your shoulder. You had gotten the stitches out since it's been a couple of days. Your eyes traveled down your (s/c) skin, little scars and fading brusies. Not bad. You turned towards your dresser and grabbed a black shirt, some jeans, socks, and a jacket. Getting dressed you slid on your preferred shoes and grabbed your mask looking at the clock on your nightstand. You grabbed your back packed, your knife, and other things stuffing it all in the backpack, except for the knife, that went into your jacket pocket. You unlocked your door and jogged downstairs and saw Jane and Clockwork drinking and Ben and Jeff playing Call of Duty. Sighing you slid on your mask and waved them goodbye and walked outside shutting the door behind you. Looking around you saw neither of the boys were out here. You sighed and saw Smile Dog running towards you. You stopped him from jumping on you and bloodly saliva was falling off his sharp teeth, this wasn't new. You petted him waiting on the two males. "Maybe I should get a head start?" You looked down at the dog and he sat there panting. SIghing you fixed the straps of your back pack when you heard the large doors open and Smile Dog ran inside. Out came the two men. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." Hoodie said leading Masky and you towards the woods. "It's okay." You said looking at the back of the tall male. You walked through the tall trees snapping twigs under your shoes as you looked around. You stopped snapping your head to the right thinking you heard something and the men continued forward. You stood there and looked into the dark area listening closely. "(F/n)?" You looked back at Hoodie and nodded following the two once again. "Thought I saw something." He nodded and you guys found a place to take a rest from walking for almost an hour. Like before, you helped Hoodie make a fire since it was getting chilly these days. You all sat down and you dug into your bag popping out a (f/d) and opened it taking a big gulp. Hoodie sat up against a stump and Masky leaned against a tree. You looked around and closed your eyes relaxing. "So did Toby and you finish?" Your eyes snapped open and you glared at Masky under your mask. "We finished the movie, yes." He chuckled darkly and crossed his arms. "That's not what I meant (F/n)," You shook your head and sighed. "Can't take a joke?" you snapped back. He huffed and slid down the tree. "The hell are you two talking about?" Hoodie asked.

"Toby and I were messing around with Masky." You said blankly. Masky laughed "Really? are you sure you weren't going to ride until you die?" You blushed under your mask and growled. "Toby's not like that shithead!" He laughed "Really? What does he go easy on you?" Hoodie shifted and you sprang up throwing a stick at Masky. "You're just mad because you can't get laid!" He jumped up and came face to face to you, your masks almost touching. "Excuse you?" He growled lowly. Hoodie chuckled in the back round and stood up. Neither of you moved from your spot. "Okay guys cool down, we should get walking again." You sighed and took a big breath in and let it out stepping away from Masky. Don't let him get to you (F/n). You grabbed your stuff and helped put out the fire with Hoodie while Masky kicked around a rock. Once the fire was out you followed Hoodie around with Masky. Hoodie checked the time "We should head back." You nodded agreeing with the tall man. With that you guys headed home.

Creepypasta Masky x Reader. [Cheese Cake]Where stories live. Discover now