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Warning: Foul Language, slight violence and sexual themes (don't worry it's just Jeff)

Masky brought you to his room and threw you on the floor. "What the fuck Masky!" You yelled at the man. By his stance you could tell he was angry, his chest rose and fell at a quick pase. You tried to stand up but he put his boot on your abdomen to hold you down. "-Punishment" you looked at him not understanding. He growled "What's the punishment?!" he raised his voice. You flinched feeling his boot getting heavier, he was applying weight to it. "T-there is none, let you two off with a warning. I'm the one that got all the bullshit! I have to watch over Jeff, now get your filthy boot off me!" He kept it there. You were about to scream at him. "Get your fucking wounds treated first" He bent down and pressed on the opened wound on your cheek. You had almost forgot about it, Jeff cut your cheek trying to escape you. You hissed in pain, his finger causing the wound to sting. He retreated and lifted his foot off of you and grabbed your arm roughly bringing you to your feet. Unfortunately he pulled to hard and it caused you to slam into his chest. You were thankful the both of you didn't fall but your face started feeling warm. He actually smelt nice. Next thing you know he shoved you out of his room and you yelled "You opened the cut even more idiot!" and with that he slammed the door.

You were in the bathroom cleaning your cut and you dabbed it to dry it. You then put one of those big band-aids on it. "God I look stupid" you whispered to yourself in the mirror. You inspected your face. Your (s/c) skin pared with your (h/c) locks. Your (e/c) eyes shined under the bathroom light. You touched the bandage and continued to stare in the mirror. You'd never admit it but Masky's harsh words sometimes got to you. For a killer and a member of this household, you didn't think you were that ugly. You looked at your watch, it was late and you didn't shower yet today. With that you gathered all the things you needed and went to the bathroom to take a much needed shower.

You walked down the hallway now dressed in your comfortable pajamas. You opened your door and put your dirty clothes in the basket and you laid down in you (f/c) blankets. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes preparing for sleep to overtake you. It never came. You growled hearing Jeff's bed frame hitting his wall, you have been lucky enough to have your room right under his. God dammit. You tried to go to sleep again but you heard the woman screaming for him to stop and him laughing as he continued to rape the poor woman. You sat up and slipped on a pair of socks as you exited your room and walked down the hallway to the stairway up. Before you could make it to the stairway someone's door flew open and it hit you in the back of your head. "Fuck!" You yelled and held the back of your head. "Tim I told you not to open the door harshly." You heard Hoodies voice. You looked behind you to see two pissed off males, they both had their masks on and you groaned. "Here to kill Jeff too?" you asked the pair. Masky gripped the brick in his hand and responded as you three walked up the stairs the noise getting louder "I am going to bash his face in". Hoodie shrugged and looked over at you and pointed to the bandage. You nodded "Jeff cut me while we were breaking him and Masky apart".He gave a single nod and you guys continue to the hallway where Jeff's room was. You were all in front of the door, you were about to say something but Masky interrupted by kicking the door open. The woman screamed louder and she pleaded for someone to help. Jeff growled and looked at the three of you. "Can't you see i'm busy?" The woman screamed and pleaded again. Her gag was off but not her blindfold. He slapped her hard and she whimpered. You turned your head so you couldn't see Jeff's nude body. He smirked "Don't be shy (f/n), I'll let you join us." I looked him in the eyes "I'll pass." The woman gasped and she stuttered. "Y-you, y-you talked to me e-earlier. You put t-the blanket on m-me.." You sighed and walked over and pinched Jeff's hand that was holding her's above her head and he let go. "(f/n) what the fuck!" You sat by the woman and spoke. "Don't look at anyone other than me, understand?" She managed to calm down hearing another woman's voice. Jeff quickly pulled boxers on and he was about to grab you but Hoodie stopped him. They watched you confused. She nodded. You took the blindfold off her and you stared down at her, her eyes were filled with pain and confusion. She whispered "please make it stop...I can't handle it." she sobbed. You watched her. You weren't used to this whole comfort thing, but the least you could do is make her last moments peaceful. Plus Jeff wouldn't wake you all up with his cruel ways. You sighed and you saw her eyes travel away. "Don't, just focus on me." She snapped her eyes back at you. You wiped her tears away and stroked her hair as a mother would to a child. You hated yourself for looking soft in front of these guys. "You won't be able to live normally if I manage to let you go. But if I can grant you a piece of mind, I can help you." Her eyes sparkled with hope but then dulled once she knew what you were going to do. "P-please don't kill me." she wailed. You gently sat her up and brought her head to your chest and soothed her making sure she couldn't see the confused male's behind you. "You'll be ok, I know you will be. Just rest now, the pain is over. I won't let him hurt you any longer." You laid her back down on the bed and wrapped her body in a blanket and you stroked her hair until she calmed down. "Thank you..." she whispered. You sighed and she closed her eyes, you slashed her neck making it quick. Jeff was growling. "What the hell! I wasn't done! You will pay for this!" He was yelling. Hoodie spoke, "To be fair you woke us all the hell up." Masky rolled his eyes behind his mask "You're too fucking soft helping that woman, pathetic." You got up and grabbed his collar. "She's dead now isn't she?! Slender said she's the last one, I just ended Jeff's pet a little sooner than Slender would. Now you guys can sleep thanks to me." You spat and let go of his collar and looked at Jeff. He was growling. "My last?! He can't stop me! this is bullshit." You looked at the man. "Shut up and pick up your mess." You walked out and Hoodie followed. Masky growled and threw the brick at Jeff but he dodged it. Masky left slamming the door behind him.

As you guys walked down the hall Masky spoke up. "Never knew you were so soft." You sighed and answered the male. "I'm not, I just wanted to shut her up and end her quietly so she wouldn't wake anyone else up. Plus I have a headache." Hoodie listened closely as Masky scuffed at your comment. "I have to admit, I was very shocked at your actions (f/n)." Hoodie spoke. You nodded. You noticed they continued to follow you down to your room even though they past theirs. You opened your door. "Goodnight guys." Hoodie nodded and Masky hummed. With that you shut the door and walked to your bed thankful that you can finally sleep. You passed out once your head hit the pillow.

You had slept in due to the events last night. You kept your pajamas on and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. You were met with the sight of E.J eating a kidney. You mumbled a good morning and he replied the same. You got yourself a cup of water and took some ibuprofen for your headache. You took a gulp of water and swallowed two of the pills. You ate an apple and threw away the core and set the glass in the sink. You yawned as you walked to down the hall to the living room when all of a sudden you were slammed against the wall a knife pressed against your throat. "You fucking bitch, you touched my property" Jeff growled and pressed the knife harder on your throat, you felt blood trickle down your neck. "Jeff, I was ordered to by the boss. Plus you woke everyone up with the screaming." He grabbed a fist full of your (h/c) and slammed your head hard against the wall and you became dizzy. That fucker thinking he can touch you. "Get the hell off!" You push him hard and he lost his balance and fell. Both of you were glaring at each other, god he hit your head pretty hard. You felt like you were going to pass out. You watched him jump to his feet and you watched as his mouth moved but you couldn't hear him. You tried your best to defend yourself but your vision went black and you remember seeing the floor coming closer to your face.


Haha long chapter hm, three updates in a day! Enjoy.

Creepypasta Masky x Reader. [Cheese Cake]Where stories live. Discover now