What's Closest To Her

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A/N: What happens during Y/N's little... visit?

Ghira POV

I was saddened to know what happened to Y/N and those girls. Especially when my own daughter was apart of it. Kali could stop crying and out of anger said that she began to despise Blake. Maybe she should calm down. I was lying in bed, trying to catch some sleep a little bit early since Kali usually slept a bit late. Suddenly I was dropped on to the cold ground, in an alley near a building I wasn't familiar with."Ghira Belladonna. We have much to discuss." I looked up and saw what seemed to be a mix between a man and a monster. A new form of Grimm?

I stood up and narrowed my eyes "What do you want from me creature?" It just chuckled "Ready to negotiate already? You must be quite eager." I clenched my fist "I will not as again." The creature slowly tilted his head "Do you honestly believe that an old cat can defeat the fastest man alive?" Before I knew it I was on the ground with a broken leg. I tried to hold in a scream of agony, but then I felt myself losing oxygen. He was running around me and he was stripping me of air.

He finally stopped and I began to breathe in rapidly "Since we have superiority out of the way I suggest we get down to business. Make sure you listen well Belladonna." As much as I didn't want to listen to him, his display of power shook me to the core "I need you to harm that generous wife of yours. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally. If you do that then I will make sure to stay away from Blake."

Hurt Kali?! That is absurd! "Why are you doing this?! What do you have against Kali?!" He chuckled "Why would I spill my plan? If you won't follow my order then I guess you'll have the death of your wife and daughter on your conscience." My eyes widened. If I do this action then it will end our long marriage, but if I don't then the people I care for the most will die. What a horrible dilemma.

Male Reader x Cheater RWBY: Monster Of Your MakingWhere stories live. Discover now