Chapter 7: Replenish

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Bleary-eyed, you went downstairs for an important dissemination

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Bleary-eyed, you went downstairs for an important dissemination. The hallways were empty, even the atmosphere seemed lifeless. A rather immense yawn departures your mouth as you slugged your way towards the meeting room. You didn't have the faintest idea as to why you were being sent there so early in the morning; it pained you to leave the bed.

You knock against a door which coincided your destination. A booming "Come in!" rang from the other side. The knob swivels ajar letting yourself in, noticing Negan sitting at the end of a long table; Lucille grazing his lap. "Have a seat." he smiled wildly. Without a word you slumped into a chair wondering why you were the only other person there. No Dwight, Laura, Arat, Simon, Fat Joey, Jared, or Gavin. Just you.

"Did you want something?" you say while rubbing the rheum from your drowsy eyes.

"It's been several weeks since your arrival and I did mention bumping your job up if you proved worthy." Your brows raise to his voice and your back straightens, listening closely to what Negan had to offer. "Ya haven't done any stupid bullshit and you seem to handle yourself well enough. Goddamn, I know a fighter when I see one. The fact you managed to stay alive during that shit-show lets me know you're a survivor."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think you're qualified to start attending resource runs, darlin'."

You were taken aback by this gesture. It sparked your curiosity as to how Negan luxuriated so much trust from you. Nevertheless, you didn't want to turn down his proposal. You hungered to see the world again rather than only view The Sanctuary borders every repeating day.

"Tell me more about runs."

"You'll be paired with a group varied in numbers. Trips can last from a few hours to an overnight stay. One person will be in charge of the accumulation and you'll take their orders. Gather anything useful, especially whatever alcohol you come across." said Negan smirking. "I'm assigning you to Hilltop. People should be down by the fences packing trucks, go meet with them and bring back awesome shit," he added.


The sun was shining brightly, the breeze which came from the forest was soft and warm, trees overhead swayed and a few birds circle about. After a little chat with the leader, you found yourself by the chain-link fence where a ton of vehicles waited. Saviors scattered the place in small cliques. They busily stowed away weapons and bags, nobody even alluded your presence.

You walk closer to the trucks, soon stopping dead in your tracks. Up ahead was an old white 2003 Ford E-350 at the front of the parked convoy. It was smothered in yolk-colored pollen and thinned splotches of dirt. A huge haul rested in the back for storage, allowing maybe two to four people eligible to sit in its cabin.

The silhouette of a man emerged from the driver's side. Your heart raced once you saw who it was: none other than Simon himself. He casually strides in a slow manner towards you, grasping his belt like usual. "What are you doing out here?" he asked in a grating tone.

"Negan moved me to resource runs."

"Whatever the boss wants. Hop in, we're on a tight schedule."

Simon walked past you and continued instructing others to do the same. You weren't sure if there was a specific motorcar you were supposed to ride in, so you entered the closest one, not realizing it was the white Ford at first. Inside the truck of choice, you see two Saviors already settled in the cabin. You scoot closer and slam the door shut. Minutes go by and Simon gets behind the wheel. You groan quietly to yourself knowing the two of you were crammed in the same confinement for who-knows-how-long.

The engine started, which caused you to jump in response to its loud roar. A Savior snickered at your alarmed jolt, making you glow with embarrassment. You attempt to shove it off and stare through the dusty window, hoping to zone out and find some sort of enjoyment during this sustained itinerary.

The ride to Hilltop was quiet. So quiet that your mind kept getting dragged back to reality. How you were wedged between a stranger and a metal door. The wretched stench of body odor stinging your nose and bitter dryness overlaying the surface of your tongue. How the guy who once looked after you are driving, seated only a couple of people away.

Every-now-and-then Simon would engage small talk with the other passengers, but never once acknowledged you nor pursued a single glimpse in your direction. Hearing his voice after so long made you feel warm, almost as if you missed the sound of it, but at the same time something negative inside you twisted into a furious ball; was this possible jealousy of not receiving his attention? You did want to say something after all. A simple 'Hey Simon, how ya doin?' would greatly suffice, though, for an uncertain reason, you never could build the courage to let one-word slip through your lips.

You tried ignoring Simon's crude behavior and continued staring beyond the scenery that passed you by. Lush green fields sparked the ground and pools of water flourished with fish in the distance. Segments of flowers prone across its land, nearly forming rainbows in the grassy plains. It felt breathtaking to see the colorful, yet apocalyptic world again.


Within nearly a full hour, an open meadow waited ahead that parted the forest. To the right was a building which looked similar to a museum resting atop a hill. "Here we are," Simon broke the silence. "Y/N?"

"Yes?" you spoke, surprised by your name being called.

"Stick with me since this is your first run." You reply with a nod.

The convoy halted once entering the spiked wooden fence surrounding Hilltop. Saviors eluded their vehicles. Departing from the white Ford truck, you follow behind Simon as he walked up to a man you could only imagine being the leader of this establishment. Others stood behind him glaring angrily at you and your group.

"Ah, Simon, hello! I have a fresh batch of gin waiting inside!" he said.

"That shit tastes like turpentine. I'm more into Tequila now." spat Simon.

"Yes, sorry, I'll find more as soon as-"

"A-bu-bu-bu-This isn't the time for getting drunk. I'm here for supplies." he interrupted. "Y/N, meet Gregory. A pathetic excuse for the leader of Hilltop."

"Hi," you say while waving a hand.

Gregory gives you a quick glance and nods, bringing his attention back to Simon. You could see the fear in his blue eyes, how he cowers down to Simon. Almost like a personal servant, Gregory would care to anything Simon desired.

"We need to talk. Mind letting us in?" Simon grinned placing an unexpected arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body while never breaking contact with Gregory.

"S-sure." Gregory motion the two of you to make way toward the museum.

Still locked in Simon's embrace the three of you walked into an office while Saviors started raiding every nook and cranny they could find throughout Hilltop.

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