Chapter 12: Gone

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Dom and his gang geared up for the last time. They drove out, trying to find a way out of the city. As they were doing so, there were police everywhere. "Why are there so many cops?" Asked Dom. He grabbed the steering wheel and drive faster. The engine roared as they drove away from the cops. The Head Officer saw them. "THATS THEM, THEY ARE OVER THERE, GET THEM!" Every single policeman got into their cars, got ready to fight and rove after the gang.

It started raining. Dom turned around and saw a load of policemen and police cars! "Ryan, Bacon! Get out the AK-47's. We have company..." Ryan and Bacon grabbed their guns and rained down bullets on the police cars. They got down about twelve of them, but there was about fifty altogether. Bullets then came down on them. Dom took a sharp turn and drove into a squashed alleyway. The truck couldn't fit, so they got out and ran through. The Head Officer ran through with his hundreds of policemen and trapped them. "STOP THERE!" Shouted the Head Officer! Ryan and Bacon put their guns down. Dom didn't, he kept holding it. "We know what you have done Dom, everything! You started this whole war!" He did. He was the one who got Ant and Charlie to help him, John too! He is the reason that Ant turned on them, that Poke, Tofuu, John, Ant and Dom's mysterious frenemy is now dead! He still didn't put the gun down. "Why don't you tell all your friends why you went to prison? Huh?" He turned to them. He tried to tell them, but it would not come out. "I'll do it then." Dom turned to the Officer. "He killed his best friend. Then he ran away from us, and then left his friend to die as we left him, because we thought he was dead. Thanks though, coz you killed him a few hours ago!"

Ryan and Bacon looked at Dom. "Who was this friend Dom?" Asked Ryan. Dom didn't answer, he still didn't put his gun down. He quickly pointed the gun at the officers and quickly ran backwards in between the buildings. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Screamed Ryan as Bacon pulled him away. They both got shot by a taser. They got knocked unconscious.

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