Magic, Murder, and Mayhem

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****This story is the result of what happens when a group of friends combine different random plots together and end up writing a story. Only one of the othrs authors has a wattpad, PoetEyes is her account, so make sure to give her credit and check out her other stories as well. Please feel free to comment, like, favorite and share. Thanks for reading****


Lynsey walks quietly in the woods, stepping over large twigs and avoiding crunchy, crackly leaves. It is almost dark, and she needs to find something to bring home for her cats to eat. She hasn't had much luck so far. Suddenly, she spots something moving in the bushes and pulls out her bow, ready to shoot any moving sack of living flesh that might appear, waiting for the opportune moment. She aims, but just as she is about to let go and let the arrow do its bloody work, a man stands up out of the bushes. He is shocked to see a masked woman holding an arrow directly aimed at his nose and takes a step back, stumbling.

"What are you doing here?" Lynsey asks in a stern voice, not lowering her bow.

"Um... I'm sorry, but I'm lost. I got separated from my logging group, and it's getting very dark. Do you know somewhere I can stay?" the man asks, fear in his eyes. Lynsey slowly lowers the arrow and then takes off her mask, revealing a beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, magnificently radiant face and lusciously long, light brown locks that flow down her back. The man looks at her in awe, eyes widening at her beauty. It's love at first sight.

"Hi.... I'm Andrew," he manages to mumble, a cheesy grin on his face.

"I'm Lynsey." She smiles, sassily rolling her eyes.

"Will you marry me?" he asks, wide-eyed. Lynsey is also enchanted, Andrew's long, bieberish, brown locks looking so strokable.

"Yes." That is all she says, and they kiss.

After the marriage and the honeymoon, life settles down for the happy couple.

Andrew wakes up early to make breakfast, while Lynsey slumbers. He walks out into the bright morning sun and goes into the woods to find some of the juicy, delectable berries that Lynsey loves to nibble on oh so much. Dew is still on the leaves and the grass, leaving them shimmering, and the earthy scents of the forest fill the air. He picks two berries and chews on one as he works.

"Andrew," a voice calls. He turns around in alarm. Standing there is a young woman with extremely long, curly brown hair, dressed in a black leather jacket and baggy blue jeans. Andrew backs away.

"No, Andrew. You have to listen to me!" she shouts. He halts and glances at her warily.

"Who are you?" he inquires. "What do you want?"

"I... I can't tell you who I am. It's too dangerous. Might mess up the space-time continuum or some junk," she mutters under her breath.

"What? " he asks, utterly confused.

"Nevermind that. I have to give you a message." She fades out momentarily, Andrew staring in shock at the place she had just been a moment ago. She reappears, furiously tapping a futuristic gizmo on her wrist.

"Sorry about that. Now, listen to me. I don't have much time. Lynsey is not who she says she is. Someone is going to try to kill you tonight. You need to get away from her, as soon as possible."

"What? That's crazy! You're crazy! Lynsey loves me. She wouldn't do anything to-"

"Trust me. She will. Tonight. And you cannot die. It will mess up the entire future. And whatever you do, do NOT-" She is cut off as her very existence suddenly disappears from sight.

"Wait... What?" Andrew exclaims, bewildered. "I don't understand!" He is frozen in place for a few minutes, but then he begins his trek back home once it starts to rain. The mysterious woman is not coming back.

"Must have had a bad berry." He chuckles nervously as he tries to convince himself that what he had just seen was a hallucination. However, lurking in the back of his mind is a troubling thought: What if it wasn't a poisonous-berry-induced hallucination? What if it what he had heard from whoever that lady was was actually true? And, most importantly, what if the love of his life really wasn't who she said she was?

He tucks away these thoughts as he goes back home, trying his best to go through a normal day. However, at dinner he realizes he can't keep his suspicions in any more.

"Lynsey, you know I love you, right?"

"Why, of course! And I love you too, snookums!"

"But... I don't know anything about you. I mean, is your name even Lynsey?" he asks cautiously, awaiting her response.

"What makes you ask that? Don't you trust me?" Her eyes narrow.

"I'm just saying I don't know anything about you!"

"You shouldn't ask questions like that, dear," she answers venomously, her voice lowering to a growly pitch.

"Well, I-" Before he can finish, a super, ninja-looking, totally awesome ninja breaks down the door and flies into the room. The ninja does extravagant, unnecessary flips around the room and breaks all the china and glassware into thousands of tiny pieces that rain down in a glassy, china-y rain. The ninja notices that it has missed one vase and handsprings over to it, spinning in the air as it grabs the breakable item and launches it at the wall, shattering it among with absolutely everything else in the room. At this point, Andrew is freaking out, having absolutely no idea what is going on. Even though he doesn't trust her anymore, Andrew rushes to his wife to make sure she is okay. She is lying on the floor, eyes closed.

"Lynsey. Lynsey, come on. You have to wake up." He shakes her slightly, worried. Then her eyes snap open.

"Now!" she shouts. The ninja does a super cool, super fly front flip over to Andrew. It places a chloroform-doused cloth over his mouth and holds it there, Andrew feebly fighting against the assault. Slowly, Andrew's world fades to black, and he passes out on the floor.

"I did my part. Now you get rid of the body," the ninja states, doing a flashy backflip out the window. Lynsey hauls the body out to the woods and stashes it next to a secluded path.

"There. It's done." She chortles and goes back to her home, where she remains undisturbed for the next two days.

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