Chapter 4

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Eren's POV.

Me and Levi been hanging out for the past week, Even at school, we sit at lunch together. And at breaks we usually sit outside on the fields either talk or sketch. And after school we sometimes go to the café or just go to his place. I even stopped cutting.

I haven't seen Armin in awhile, last time I saw him, he was at the library with a tall blonde guy with huge eyebrows, I think Levi knows him because I saw him talking to him a few days ago.

I sighed then walked downstairs, there's no school today cause it's Saturday. I walk to the kitchen grabbing something to munch on, then walked to the couch turning on the TV.

I wonder if Levs is busy, I opened my phone then texted Levi.


Eren: Hey Levs,Wanna go out? Like to the café or something?

Levi: Sorry Eren I cant today, I have a test due monday, Maybe when im done?

Eren: Oh okay, and sure okay bye

Levi: Bye

I sighed again. I layed down on the couch starring at the ceiling, I wonder if Armin is doing anything.



Coconut: Yes Eren, im very busy

Eren: Liar! Your probably with that guy i saw with you at the library.

Coconut: ...

Eren: Your not denying it

Coconut: Okay fine, Yes im with Erwin right now, maybe you should text mikasa.

Eren: Finee, Bye Armin

Coconut: Bye Eren.

I closed my phone then sighed once again of boredness, I rather not text Mikasa.

One hour later~

"Oh hey there Cutie."

I winked. "You're one sexy person."

I said talking to the mirror. "Are you the bottom part of my lap top? Because you're hot as-"

"Eren what are you doing?"

My eyes widened, I turned around to see my mom holding her phone, she looked like she was gonna burst into a laughing fit. "N-NOTHING! MOM GET OUT!"

I said flustered closing the door soon as I closed the door I heard my mom laughing, soon her laughing fading away heading downstairs.

I blushed then went to my room, flopped onto my bed hugging my pillow in embarrassment, Mom came home early why? I sat up wrapping myself in a blanket then walking downstairs.

I looked at the living room then my eyes widened.

Levi was sitting down on the couch with my mom her showing a video of me talking to myself in the bathroom.

I said blushing because I heard the part where I said 'oh hey there cutie'

The video ended and Levi was smirking at me. "Eren what were you doing talking to yourself?!"

My mom asked laughing. "I was bored"

I said in defeat. "Oh Levi just came here, he said he's done, so i'll make dinner Levi do you want to join us?"

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