Chapter 3

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Levi's POV.

I laid in bed starring at his number, I wonder if he's up.. Should I just check up on him? Wait no, he just left like 10 minutes ago..

Did he get home safely? It is dark.. And my neighborhood isn't a good place to be, especially at night.. Screw it, I'm just gonna text him.


Levi: Brat did you make it home?

Eren: Almost just a few more blocks, Why?

Levi: Nothing just wanted to check up on you, my neighborhood isn't nice..

Eren: oh, well i see my house now so i should be good.

Levi: Okay, Night.

Eren: Night.

I set my phone on the nightstand. Thinking what to do tomorrow.. Will we talk to each other? Or just pretend nothing happened? Soon the train of thought took over.

Hours had past I'm still thinking, then I heard a knock at the door, I sat up walking towards the door.

Opening it seeing my mom smiling and holding a tray with two pancakes covered in syrup, a cup of orange juice and berries. "Levi? Did you get sleep? You have bags under your eyes!"

She said walking into my room setting the tray on my desk. "Levi, you're staying home, eat then get some rest."

She said. "Mom I'm fine."

I said. "Nope, no excuses you're staying home, get some rest."

She said walking to the door. "Mom I have school!"

I yelled but not to loud. "Sleep."

She said closing the door behind her. "She still treats my like a child.."

I mumbled to myself, I took the tray to my bed, took out my phone and texted Eren.


Levi: Eren, I won't be at school today didn't get sleep and my mom wont let me go, she said I need rest..

Eren: its okay, But why didn't you sleep?

Levi: Over thinking things, dont worry, its nothing.

Eren: Oh okay, Can i come over? Armin is doing something after school..

Levi: Sure, See you after school

Eren: Bye.

I ate my breakfast then laid in bed soon sleep took over.

Eight hours later~

I woke up looking over to my alarm clock 2:05 pm. I sat up and stretched then walked to the kitchen to make tea.
"Two more hours.."

I said to myself looking at the clock we have in the kitchen. "What should I do? It's already clean.. There's nothing to do."

I said to myself, I sat on the couch turning on the television with the remote in my hand. After watching a few shows I don't  like, I guess boredom got me..

I looked at the clock, 3:59 I got up, Eren should be here soon.

I walked to the kitchen to make another cup of tea, I sat on a stool waiting for a knock..

Wait am I actually waiting for this brat?

I questioned myself.

Minutes had past more like 20 minutes, laying on the couch with the train of thought taking over. Moments past soon there was a knock, I got up but failed I fell on the floor for rushing.

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