The Drummer's Sister: Chapter IX

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"I guess I do," he joked. I walked back over to the bed to my boyfriend and kissed him once more. "Yeah, I love you," he said cheekily. I pulled him up from the bed so he was standing with me. He pulled me into an embrace, our bare bodies touching as I looked up at his adorable morning face. I felt myself getting pretty wet. Holy fuck. How does he do that to me?! I eventually caved.

"Why don't you come and take a shower with me," I offered. Now I was horny too. He smirked, seeing as he had now gotten me in the mood.

"Oh really, now?" he teased. He placed his lips passionately on mine. "Only because I love you," he said devilishly. I smiled cheekily as I led him into the loo and shut the door behind us.


I sat backstage with the Louis, Zayn, and Niall while Olly Murs was performing. He had just begun and I was fully into his set. His music was amazing and made me just want to get up and dance. So I did of course. All the boys just watched me completely intrigued, I didn't give a damn. Suddenly I heard Harry speak. "Yeah, lads, she's mine," he said as he appeared with Liam right beside him. Harry came to me from behind and kissed my neck as his arms wrapped around the front of my waist. "Hey baby." I giggled as his breath tickled my ear.

"So Louis, I heard you walked in on the naked couple," Liam teased. Lou's cheeks blushed like mad. Liam along with the rest of us started cracking up.

"I didn't even see anything!" he defended.

"That's too bad," Zayn joked. I hit his arm playfully. We all contined laughing.

"You guys must have had a good night last night then, because we all heard you," Niall as a cheeky grin slowly but surely appeared on his face. I stood there in shock. I looked to Hazza. He just rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Was I really that loud?

The lads all smirked to one another. Zayn mimicked me, "Harderrrr, fasterr! Oh fuck Harry!"

While Louis mimicked Hazza, "You are so fucking tiiight!" Niall and Liam found this incredibly hilarious and were laughing their arses off. My cheeks we now definitely a bright shade of red. I normally didn't get embarrassed when it came to sex so I needed to save myself with a good comeback.

"Says the boy who wanted to join in with us this morning..." I teased directly looking to Louis. The lads looked at him surprised and began laughing even harder than before.

"Like you boys don't wanna shag Elle. Don't even deny it!" he retorted. "She is so fit," he said as he placed an arm on my shoulder. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "You're fit too Boobear," I winked.

"Well we did have some fun in the shower this morning," Harry said cheekily as I leaned on his side and kissed his jaw. He smirked at me.

"Oh we heard that too, Haz," Liam giggled. And once again all these boys were laughing at my expense as I stood there stunned. Why I was friends with these losers, I would never know.

Suddenly Paul showed up, "Lads get ready. You're on stage in 30 seconds." So much for a warning Paul. I gave Harry one last kiss good luck as he took the stage with his band mates.

I stood there admiring my boyfriend, my best friends and my brother perform on stage. They were all so amazing at what they did. I couldn't help but be jealous at how talented they all were. But I let it go and just focused on how proud I was of them.

The entire show I stood on the side wings of the stage and danced around like a complete fool. Paul was next to me. He looked at me strangely at first but then he let go of himself a bit and danced around with me as well. We looked rather mad but I didn't care. He was nice and he was good tour manager to my lads.

As I Want came to an end I stood there patiently awaiting my boyfriend so I could kiss him. He looked extra sexy on stage tonight, if I do say so myself. But before he went off stage I heard him speak slowly into the microphone. "No wait," he said to the audience, "don't go yet! I've got one more song that I'd like to sing, the lads are gonna help me out. But first I need a special girl to come out on stage!"

My heart was beating a thousand times faster than it should be beating. Was he talking about me? I really hope so because my heart would sink if he wasn't. Plus it would be extremely awkward. "Elle, come out here!" he said as he looked directly into my eyes. I smiled as soon as he said my name. I then looked to Paul for reassurance. He smiled and gestured for me to go onto the stage. So I did. I gathered myself and confidently walked out onto the stage into Hazza's arms. He kissed my head.

"In case you don't know," he said, his voice projecting throughout the entire arena, "this is Elle Devine, she is Josh's sister," he said pointing to Josh who was seated behind the drums. I looked to Josh and he smiled and nodded to me reassuringly. "And she is also my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend," Harry continued. I heard a few 'boos' from the audience but mostly cheers and 'awwhhhs.' I smiled.

"That's not nice," Harry said to the few fans who were booing. "Alright Elle, I know this is you're favorite song, so I wanted to sing it to you. I love you Elle," I felt the tears begin slowly to fall down my face as I stood there on stage in front of thousands of people.

When she was just a girl 

She expected the world 

But it flew away from her reach 

So she ran away in her sleep 

Dreamed of para- para- paradise 

Para- para- paradise 

Every time she closed her eyes

When she was just a girl 

She expected the world 

But it flew away from her reach 

And the bullets catch in her teeth

Life goes on 

It gets so heavy 

The wheel breaks the butterfly 

Every tear, a waterfall 

In the night, the stormy night 

She closed her eyes 

In the night, the stormy night 

Away she'd fly

She dreamed of para- para- paradise 

Para- para- paradise 

Para- para- paradise 

Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.

As he finished singing the rest of the song, the tears were freely falling from my eyes. He came close to me and kissed me in front of every one, as a roar came from the audience.

"And that's our show! Good night everyone! Massive thank yous!" Zayn finished, since me and Harry were still kissing.

Hey my darlings! Did you like this one?! I love the end part of this chapter, it's so adorable I love it! Ahh! Comment, vote, tell me what you think! Love you guysss xx 


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