13. There's nothing holding me back

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I stayed a few days at home in order to avoid..well everyone.

Madara because I just needed to be careful around him, Tobirama because god knows what he would try to do, and Hidan with Deidara simply because it would hurt Madara. I didn't want that.

Heck I didn't want anything!

But seems like I will get rid of Hidan soon, his prom is this Friday and after he only has the finals and shit so..

Out of boredom I dialled Madara's number. Putting the phone to my ear I sighed.

He needs to know I care.

"Hey, (Y/n)" I smiled at the sounds of his voice.

"Hi, how are you?" I replied.
"Fine I guess, just got out of this mental asylum we call our school" I giggled, he wasn't wrong.

"That's good" I nodded.

"Where are you even?"
"I'm home"
"Why? Are you sick of something?"
"Yeah sick of people" I replied with a chuckle.

I heard that soft laugh I adored so much.

"I hope you're coming for tomorrow's class. Or else you will have no attendance and you will be forced to perform your skills to me personally"

I smirked, licking my lips.

"Please, Sir. You know how good my skills are so I don't think I need to perform anything" I replied with a smug grin.

He laughed, there was a hint of amusement in it.

"Very well. If you think so then you better show me tomorrow"

"Will do"

"Alright, sweetie. I gotta go, thanks for calling me.."
"Wait, Madara!" I stopped him before he could hang up.

"What is it?"

"I love you"

"And I love you. Now better prepare tomorrow, I won't hold back" he taunted.


I only heard him laugh before I hung up.

My head dropped back on the pillow as I smiled, eyes closed, now we're okay with Madara at least.

And I gotta go tomorrow to school..

..What a drag

Shika would be happy to hear me use his catchphrase haha!

I should take a nap before I go to bed, you know.. For fun.


I woke up a few hours later. It was something about 7 p.m.

I lazily reached for my phone when I noticed it was beeping.

"2 unread messages"

I unlocked my phone opening the message app.


H: "(Y/n) will you be at school tomorrow?"
H: "I have something important to ask you. Please be there, I will find ya : )"

Now I couldn't lie to him! Hopefully it's going to alright.

(Y/N): "Sure I will be there^^"

I replied to him and went to get some snack.

When I came in the kitchen, our fridge was occupied by my brother.

"Hey Minato, gimme a snack" I whined from behind him.

"And what would you like?" he replied turning his gaze to me.

"Whatever. I'm just hungry" I said with a small smile.

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