11. Basketball game

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This one is about 2 weeks later from the previous chapter


Unable to find Madara in his office I wandered around the school floors, he still should be here..
I sighed and then an idea popped in my mind!

The gym! Oh wow you so clever up there, (Y/n)!

My feet carried me downstairs to the gym, I could hear faint running and shouting.

My ears picked up on a voice I identified as Madara's.

I came in the hall leading to the gym, the door was open so I sticked my head in and backed away right after because I almost got smashed by Hashirama-sensei.

"Watch out damn.." I said as I stepped in and noticed the three playing basketball.
Hashirama noticed me first and smiled gently, I shook my head and shifted my eyes towards Madara who was walking smoothly towards my direction with his fab hair swaying behind him. 

"What's up, missy?" he asked, catching a towel thrown at him in the process by Hashirama.
"Was looking for you" I said noticing how good his arms were looking in the sleeveless shirt.
"Wanna play with us? I'm missing a partner actually" he said with a light chuckle.
"Hm why not" I smirked at that actually pleasing offer.

Madara tossed me the key to the change room where my sport stuff was.
I quickly changed and noticed that I only had a crop top...

better not tease, (Y/n), you hear me up there?

With that I returned back to the gym.

All three sensei's were there on the bench.

I walked in front of them with my arms behind my back.

I noticed the little smirk on Tobirama-sensei's face while he was checking me out.
"Looks like we have a new player.." he said standing up "..you're with Madara" he patted my shoulder before grabbing the ball.

I smirked fist-bumping Madara as we got to the center of the playground.
Hashirama had the ball. Madara went straight to him, so I ran to cover Tobirama. 

Hashirama managed to throw it in our direction..high enough for me to catch it if I jump.
I jumped catching it, brushing against Tobirama and running to the basket.

Tobirama was following me closely, I stopped holding the ball. That was unexpected to Tobirama as he stopped few meters in front of me. 

A strong clapping on my right caused me to shot my eyes there and pass the ball to uncovered Madara. Right after that Tobirama seemed to snap and ran towards me but it was too late, his eyes staring me down as I smirked and disappeared behind him only to see Madara scoring! 

"Woo, that's it!" he cheered, I laughed and fist-pumped.
Hashirama making his way towards Tobirama saying.
"Where were you? Damn it, Tobirama" he said in his face as me and Madara laughed. 

Madara had the ball now, I ran far to the end of the gym, both senseis with me.
They had a brilliant idea, to completely shadow and cover me and of course not letting me in front of them..
I couldn't even see!

But I had a better idea, with my ass I pushed Hashirama out of the way, looking up I ran to the ball flying towards me.

When I turned I almost bumped into a chest, backing away from Tobirama I was staring into his eyes, the ball completely in my control.
He then tried to snatch it from me but me, being a little smart player, I slightly spread my legs and threw the ball between them and catching it in my other hand as I started running.

Having the ball back under the control of my right hand I jumped and threw it hoping I would score.
It hit the desk and fell to the right where in the air Madara caught it and smashed it right in the basket!

"There we go!! Woo haha"
I felt sweat running down my face as I watched Tobirama passing the ball to Hashirama.

Being a confident bitch I ran to him from the side, hoping I will snatch it from him somehow.

But Madara had the same idea so the two of us actually crashed into Hashirama making us all fall down.

My face ended up on the floor as the rest of me was under Hashirama.
I groaned in pain.
"Sensei get off me damn it" I tried getting out myself only to be stuck under him and brushing against his everything.
"So sorry, (Y/n)" he said embarrassed and managed to get himself up.
I stayed on the floor turning to lay on back, bending my knees.
"You alright there, champ?" Madara asked kneeling next to me.
"Yeah yeah, all good" I laughed it off as Madara extended his hand for me to get up.

I took it expecting to be pulled up but instead he just threw me back on the ground.

"Madara what nooo" I laughed.

"Don't do that. We don't want her pretty face to be smashed again" I heard Tobirama say from above
"Yeah right. Listen to him sometimes, Madara. He's actually pretty smart" I said turning back to them.

"Alright then, no face smashing" Madara said bending over and picking me up in his arms.
"Yeah that's better" I said giggling.

"Hey Tobirama think you can catch her?" Madara said looking at the said man.
"What! No! You can't throw me, idiot!" I shouted getting out of his embrace.

He only laughed, letting me back on my feet.

"You guys wanna play or what?" We heard Hashirama say.
"Oh I do wanna play" Tobirama smirked his eyes locking on me.

I rolled my eyes giggling.
"Hey I wanted to ask if any of ya are going to tonight's party?" I asked looking between the three.
"No. I'm not a party player" Tobirama said simply.
"Me neither. I have a lot of stuff to do. No time for partying" Hashirama replied.

I turned to Madara, but he didn't answer. Oh-oh

"Madara?" I asked again with my eyebrows raised.
"Uh what? No, I'm not gonna be there" he said walking away.

What even...

I shrugged pursing my lips.

Guess I will be there with someone else after all..


Who is going to be that 'someone' going with (Y/n) to the party? Who could that be if not one of these..hmmm


1000+ words^^


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