10. Treat you better

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My aversion for today's double Outdoor sports class was visible to everyone. I mean I was salty the whole fucking morning until I saw Kakuzu tripping Hidan and I broke into a fit of laughter. But even since then I still didn't want to go there but if I don't go there, then Tobirama will be pissed off because this class is so special thanks to me.

Please can someone else have my problems? I just want a fucking life. Not this..

I was sitting in the hallway during lunch break all alone, trying to think. Decide about my stupid love problem.

"Now now why the sad face?" I looked up and saw Konan.

"Love is blind, deaf and fucking dumb"
"Oh tell me about it." he replied sitting besides me.

"Did something happen?" I asked turning my head to her.

"Yahiko broke up with me" she said.
"Ow, I'm sorry sweetie" my hand went to rest on hers.
"Thanks" she glanced sadly into the distance.

"What about your problem?" she asked back.

"A teacher, another teacher and your friend" I replied chuckling.
"Girl, that's something.." she said, her hand turning to squeeze mine.
I smiled softly. Konan could make me feel better just by listening to whatever I had to say.

She was a great friend.

"Do you need any help?" she asked.
"I think I need to sort it out myself but thank you" I smiled rubbing my thumb on her hand.
"But you for sure want a hug" she chuckled.
I giggled and outstretched my arms as they wrapped around he shoulders, her arms around my torso.
Now I felt good. A few simple gestures and I'm back to myself.


My cool cheerful attitude was back and I was ready to face anything and everything!
I made my way to my locker happily, opening it there was a note..

"I believe you're gonna figure out what you need, darling
- Love, Konan"

Aww what a babe. I smiled slipping it into my pocket. At the same time I took my phone and dialled Kiba. That idiot is nowhere to be find and we should get going soon.

"What does my kitten need?" he said followed by a chuckle.
"You. Here. Dumb doggo" I laughed. We set those nicknames a long time ago and they're stuck with us forever!

Soon he appeared with a very pleased expression. I raised my eyebrows out of curiosity.
When he came he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me in the air.

"Kiba what the fuck maaan" I laughed.
"I'm glad you're happy again ya know" he said smiling.
I patted his head and smiled back.
"Sure thing haha"
He then set me back down.

"Did Tobirama say what he wants to do today?" I asked looking at the sports bag in my locker.
"He didn't I believe. So we don't need anything special to take" he replied.
"Oh good" I said grabbing the most needed stuff and throwing it in the sports back then setting it on my shoulder.

Kiba stepped to the locker beside mine which was obviously his and grabbed his own stuff before we left.

We sat outside on the campus next to Obito, Kakuzu and Kisame as we chatted lazily. Since Tobirama wasn't able to deliver any further information, we just sat there waiting for him.

"You guys don't know anything as well?" I asked the three.
"Hmm I don't really know yeah" Kakuzu replied.
"Me neither" Obito said shrugging.
My head turned to a grinning Kisame.
"Oh someone here does know after all" I smirked.
"We're probably gonna play something like football or rugby" he laughed.

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