12. Let me hold you

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Pressed close to the body behind me, swaying my hips to the rhythm, alcohol flowing through my veins, and with arms above my head a enjoyed the music in my ears.

The Akatsuki's year party was happening right now. And basically the whole school was there.

I was spinned around to meet with light purple eyes and a wide grin, I grinned as well as I and Hidan continued to dance to the current song.

His hands grabbing my hips, both moving together perfectly.

My arms on his shoulders as cigarette smoke was in the air.

Let me hold you
Girl caress my body
You got me going crazy
Turn me on

Turn me on

I smirked turning back and pressing against him. His hands finding my sides once again.

A bush of blonde hair appeared before me, my gaze meeting soft blue eyes

I grinned at the guy. My arms moving to lock behind his neck as I turned away from Hidan, finding my new dance partner. I saw Hidan out of the corner of my eye to go get some drinks.

"How do you like the party?!" Dei had to shout in my ear so I could hear him over the loud music
"It's so great! Best party ever!" I shouted back grinning
His hands found mine as he spun me around. I laughed crushing back in his chest when I turned.

A thought crossed my mind how spending this party with Hidan and Dei was way better than if any of the three were there.

Deidara's arms wrapped around my torso as we started to gain attention from the dancers around.

I was too distracted to care. And why would I even? I was having fun and dancing with my friend!

My eyes closed for a moment, yes this was perfect..

They opened again when felt a presence in front of me.
Hidan was back with more alcohol.

"Oi which one is mine?" I asked scanning the two full green glasses.
"This one" he said handing me one of them

I wrapped my lips around the straw and moments later the taste of mint, lime and rum spilled on my tongue. I smiled as my head tilted, I offered the drink to Dei, who grinned before he took a sip.
His arms still resting on me. He was swaying me gently now to a more slow song.

"You guys wanna sit down for a while?" I asked, before I drank from the glass again.

"Sure" Hidan said, his hand wrapped around my unoccupied one as he led me to a nearby table.

The three of us sat there, minds clouded.

"I'm really glad you guys are my friends" I said grabbing Deidara's hand and laughing.

"Oh no. I just got friendzoned" Dei moaned, his head falling on my shoulder as he let out a fake sob.

This caused me to laugh again. Man, they never stop..

"Ya know I'm taken, Dei" I said turning to him.

"No I do nooooot" he chuckled.
"Now you know" I said smirking.

Then there was only silence. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything. It was that type of silence where you feel everyone processing the information just told. No words needed.

My head fell back against the seat.


"What if I kidnap you? Will you love me?"

I bursted into a fit of laughter. What's with these questions?!

"That depends" I replied.

"On what?"

"1. if my current lover stops caring. 2. if you're going to be a good boyfriend and 3. if you buy me another drink" I giggled at the end, downing my glass of Mojito.

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