9. The overthinker

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6:28 a.m.

I didn't felt like going to school today.
I just wanted to run away from everything.
My eyes closed as I felt myself drift off back to sleep.

9:45 a.m.

My still tired body got up to get some breakfast.
Opening the fridge I grabbed (whatever you like for breakfast) and sat down on the kitchen counter.

My phone next to me buzzed so I looked on the screen.
A text message. Unknown number. Meh, fuck you..

I locked the phone returning to bed.
My mind was occupied with so many things that I couldn't think straight.

Then my phone started ringing....

Why, why the fuck today. Shika? No. Bye.
I declined the call. Turning the thing off out of anger.

*knock* *knock*

I deadpanned. Who the fuck?
The door opened and Minato stood there in the doorway.
"What do you want?" I asked frustrated.
"Only to check up on you since you're staying at home today. Are you okay, (Y/n)?" he asked sitting on the bed next to me.

I ran a hand through my hair thinking, I'm not okay mentally nor physically..but let's say I'm okay.
"Sure I'm fine, brother" I said and forced a smile.
"If you say so.." he patted my leg and got up.
I sighed loudly when he left.

I can't deal with people...


The day went on quickly I didn't even notice.
It felt like I was loosing my mind.

*ring* *ring*

The doorbell? Man..

I strolled in my pj's to the door to open it.
Just as it swung open my eyes met with a group of idiots. My idiots.

"(Y/n)-chaaaaan!! What's up?!" Naruto shouted as everyone started laughing.
I shook my head, a small smile on my face.

"What are you doing here guys?" I asked.
"Checking up on our girl! Obviously!" Kabuto said smirking.
"Aw man, that's kind of nice tho, come all in" I said opening the door to let 'em in.

We gathered on my quite large bed. They all seemed happy.

"How was school?" I asked.
"Fun, even without you" Kiba said chuckling, I hit his arm playfully.
"(Y/n) why didn't you pick my call actually?" Shika asked.
"Didn't feel like it" I replied shrugging.

"And if I told ya there was a certain someone looking for you? Being worried about you? And even texting you thanks to that?"

My eyebrows shot up curious.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Guess" he said smirking.

"Madara?" I asked, him being the first that came on my mind.
Oh right we were supposed to have a class.

"Who else" Kabuto laughed.
"Who gave him my number?" I asked looking at the four.

They remained silent.

"Kabuto why are you quiet now?"
He giggled nodding.

"Stupid match makers!" I rolled my eyes.
"Why stupid? You two are already together! Our job there is over" Naru said chuckling.
I sighed, picking my phone up and curiously opening the message from the unknown number which was supposed to be Madara.

9:50 a.m.
Haven't seen you at school today. Are you ok?

11:22 a.m.

(Y/n) please answer me. It's Madara

12:06 p.m.

Don't scare me like this

Oh I didn't even notice 2 more texts. Oh well..

"It's him right?" Kabuto beside me spoke.
"Mhm" I hummed locking the phone.

"(Y/n)?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up.
"Is everything okay?" Kiba asked, his hand still lingering on me.
"Yeah, yeah. I will answer him later" I said smiling.

"Alrighty!" Kiba said "Here, I brought you homework.." he continued.
I looked at him deadpanning.

"You? You brought homework? To me?" I asked slowly.
"What happened to you, man, thinking I will do it and even bothering to bring it with cha?"

We all started laughing again, feeling a bit better now.

"Okay I will get going, unlike ya'all I wanna do my homework" Shika said standing up.
"Alright, man, thanks for checking up on me btw" I said smiling as he left.

After Shika left, I fell backwards on the bed.

"Yeah, (Y/n), I forgot something.." Kiba started.
I turned my head so I could see him.
"Yeah what?"
"Today, Tobirama-sensei came and said tomorrow is an extra Outdoor sport class, like 2 hours in a row, he wants you to adjust to the team more"

When he finished I just sighed loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Great, just fucking great" I said.
"Hey what's wrong with that?" Naru asked.
"Nothing, don't worry" I rolled my eyes.

Kiba shot a look at Kabuto, who shrugged.

"(Y/n)-chan what did Tobirama want last class when he told me to leave ya two alone?" Kiba asked.

"What do you think?! You guys said it like a week ago!"
"Wait...." Kabuto spoke, his eyes flicking between Kiba and Naru.
"Please tell me it's not the thing about the crushes.." he trailed off.

"Bingo bitch"

"Wait, no! What the fuck?! Tobirama?!" Kiba said relaizing what Kabuto meant.
Naru was just confused so he didn't say anything.

"(Y/n) that's fucked up"
"Tell me about it" I replied to Kabuto's comment.

"I mean you with Madara is already too much" Kiba laughed.

I turned to my side, back to them.
It was hard enough for me alone, now with them knowing.

What do I do?


More cliffhangers..
What will (Y/n) do?
Will she even go to the class? 
Is she able to face both Madara and Tobirama again?

Find out in the next chapter...


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