t w e n t y o n e

840 13 6

ethan's pov, airport

"desi?" i called her numerous times through the phone, it isn't working.

"maybe she's just late, ethan" stassie tries to calm me down. it obviously won't work.

"stassie, there is no late here. she knows the flight is in about 30 minutes, she should arrive by now!"

the crowd stayed silent.

"guys, where's desi!" i shouted.

everyone- stassie, grayson, EVERYONE was trying to reach her. no answers.

she couldn't have been kidnapped, could she?

i suddenly heard loud rushes through the entrance of the gate, they were cops.

"ethan dolan?! ethan dolan!"

i ran as fast as i could to the cops, hoping it was linked to desi.

"sir, do you know Desi Stone!?" the cops asked with a strict tone.


"we found your photo on her lock screen on her phone. we knew that's the only person to contact"

i can't lose her, not now.

"what happened!" i said, trying not to yell.

"she's in the hospital, she had a car accident."

had a car accident.

i ran to stassie and grayson, telling them to have the trip for theirselves.

"where's the hospital?!" i said.

~ hospital.

i widely opened the doors of the hospital, seeing the staff's eyes widen. i ran to the front desk, catching my breath.

"where is the room of desi stone, please!" i stomped my hands on the desk.

"wait sir, i'll check the formats."

she scans through her pages, flipping it over and over.

"im sorry sir, she has no room yet. she's in the emergency room perhaps. take a left, straight."

i sprinted to the emergency room but was immediately stopped by a doctor.

"are you ethan dolan sir?"

"i am. let me see her!" i try to move to the room but the doctor kept blocking me.

"she's in a critical condition."

thats when my heart sank.

i took the nearest seat down and ran my hands through my hair.

"please tell me"

"Ms.Stone had a terrible accident. the impact was very strong, causing bruises and burns."

"please tell me that's it" i look up to him.

"i'm very sorry sir, unfortunately, her legs and pelvis had bad damage, it has been paralyzed. she is going to need a wheelchair, until her damage part is healed."

"how long?!" i yelled.

"that's the problem sir, there is only a 0.3 chance it could heal."

"do everything you fucking can!"

"will do, excuse me sir, i have to go to the lobby" he walked until i couldn't see him anymore.

i sat on the chair until i felt tears running down.

i heard a door opened, it was desi's room.

"you may see Ms. Stone now" a nurse said.

i opened the door, seeing desi drain in color. i hate seeing her like this.

i sat on the edge of the bed, grasping her hand. tears falling down.

desi, if you could hear me right now, your legs and pelvis is damaged. theres a 0.3 chance you could heal but i don't know if that little chance is going to work. but what i do know is that i would do anything to be in your position. i love you so much desi. stay with me, please.

i look at my hands, wet from the tears.

but i saw desi grabbing my hand.

i look at desi, she squints her eyes.

"desi!" i yelled and wrapped her in my arms.

"ethan" she whispers.

"it's a fucking miracle you're awake!"

"i heard every single thing you said." she smiles, holding my arms.

"i got my legs and pelvis paralyzed? is- is it true?" her smile fading away.

"i hate to say it but yes, but you're still so beautiful inside, and out"

"will you leave me?"

"why would i? i may be young, but definitely not foolish to leave you." i secretly quoted the song i wrote for alex.

"i'll stay with you tonight." i say.

at night, i told her everything she needed to know. her parents were informed and bought a wheelchair. the doctors expect her to fully recover tomorrow and can go home.

taken l ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now