o n e

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uploading schedule: a random day and friday :)

ethan's pov
- s u m m e r  b r e a k -

hi, i'm ethan dolan. i live in L.A with my twin brother grayson. i play a lot of guitar and i like to sing. my best friends are gray, alex, and stassie. today is the first day of summer so i decided to go buy a new guitar along with gray and alex.

~ mall ~

"alex!" i shouted as i pointed to him.

"sup ethan!" we did the bro hug.

"hey gray!" alex squished his hair. "ugh alexxxx" grayson started fixing his hair.

"so guys, let's go the guitar store over there" i broke the silence.

"yo E, gray and i will just go to starbucks and give you a drink while you buy your guitar" alex added and headed off with grayson.

well guess it's just me then.

i headed to the guitar store called "Musica". i looked around and found cool ass guitars that i wanted to buy.

i turned around and accidentally bumped into this pretty girl.

"Ow!" the girl shouted.

"oh i'm so sorry! it was all my fault" i replied, i felt so bad.

"it's fine" she said looking down.

"can i get your name?" i asked.


"how about yours?"     "ethan."

"nice to meet you ethan, i'll see you around?"


she exited the door and waved goodbye.

i then reached to an employee and bought my guitar and exited the shop.


"yo E!" alex shouted with a smile.

"i got you and gray the pink drink, your favorites" he laughed.

"thank lex" i reached out the drink and started drinking it.

"so E, what happened over there" grayson asked while we were walking.

"i met this girl, her name was desi."

"nice one bro! it's a small world isn't it?" alex said.

"it sure is."

taken l ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now